TB 43-0134
disposal are to be managed as HW, and you must
coordinated with and approved by HQDA, Office of the
transfer/transport the batteries off your installation, you are
Directorate of Environmental Programs (ENVR-E), prior to
required to manifest these waste batteries under Title 40 CFR
finalization and signature of the local contract.
Part 262 regulations. Consult your local IEO for guidance
disposition/disposal actions NIUST BE in accordance with
about manifest requirements.
federal, state and local regulations and requirements.
Coordinate all actions with the local lEO to ensure proper
for disposal, and battery electrolyte from vented LA or NI-CD
management of waste batteries.
Disposal of Non-hazardous Solid Waste
batteries, may be disposed via the local servicing DRMO, or
via local contract.
(NHSW). Batteries classified as NHSW in Table 2-1 may be
disposed with general refuse.
(1) Some batteries identified as HW in Table
(1) DO NOT accumulate waste batteries.
2-1 (e.g., HG
batteries, BA-1000 series) may be
Good practice dictates that waste materials be disposed on a
regular basis. Dispose of small quantities (ess than 150 lbs.)
under RCRA regulations, and therefore managed as HM.
of unserviceable or depleted NHSW batteries with general
(2) Recycling and/or reclamation is the
waste/refuse, as generated.
recommended option for disposition of batteries in lieu of
(2) Disposition/disposal of a large quantity
disposal. Lead acid, mercury, nickel-cadmium and silver
(150 lbs. And over) of unserviceable or depleted NHSW
batteries should be considered for recycling or reclamation
batteries, or any quantity of damaged NHSW batteries, may be
based on federal and state requirements.
Transfer to the Defense Reltilization and
through the local servicing DRMO, or via local contract, as
unregulated waste.
Marketing Office: The DRMO will accept accountability
Disposition and Disposal of Hazardous Material
provided that the batteries are properly marked, labeled,
(HM) and Hazardous Waste (HW). For any turn-in of HM or
packaged and turned in with appropriate documentation. The
DRMO will accept physical custody depending upon the
HW, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and/or Hazardous
availability of conforming, or most nearly conforming, storage
Waste Profile Sheet (HWPS) (DRMS Form 1930, see
areas. The disposing activity must tmrn in the material
appendix G) is
required. If a
required, contact your
(batteries) with an accompanying Disposal Turn-in Document
local supporting SO or IEO. Data required to complete the
(DTID (DD Form 1348-1)), and provide a HWPS or MSDS for
the item(s) as required.
Safety/ Environmental support.
(1) A MSDS is required for turn-in of HM.
For additional information on the disposal of
(2) A HWPS is required for turn-in of HW.
HW, beyond the scope of this handbook, refer to Technical
Data from this TB may be used in completion of the HWPS;
Guide (TG) No. 126, "Waste Disposal Instructions." TG No.
list this TB as a reference if it is a source for technical data. In
126 can be obtained from your local IEO or PMO, or contact
addition, a MSDS or laboratory analysis may be required.
USAEHA, Waste Disposal Engineering Division at DSN 584-
(3) If batteries or battery electrolyte for
3651 or commercial (410) 671-3651.