TB 43-0134
(4) When tested, if the battery is serviceable ( > 30% remaining charge), then it may be used for other purposes such
as classroom training.V
Discharge Requirements:
Multi-cell Li-SO2 batteries may vent during complete discharge.-U
Lithium-Sulfur dioxide (Li-SO2) batteries contain pressurized sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. The gas is highly toxic, and
the battery MUST NOT be abused in any way which may cause the battery to rupture. If you hear a hissing sound
(i.e., battery venting), or smell irritating gas, LEAVE the area. DO NOT return to the area until all signs of SO02 gas
have been dissipated.
Li-SO2 batteries will get warm/hot during discharged with a built-in CDD, and the battery jacket may deform.
Li-SO2 batteries (except BA-5567/U) are HW for disposal and MUST NOT be disposed with general refuse/trash,
unless the batteries have been completely discharged.
Li-SO2 batteries with a CDD may be discharged in accordance with para 4-7h(1). If the battery vents during discharge it
MUST BE disposed as HW.
Li-S02 batteries without a CDD CAN NOT be discharged, and should be disposed as HW in accordance with para.
4-7h(2) of this TB.
Disposition and Disposal Requirements:
Coordinate all disposition and disposal of batteries with your Installation Environmental Office/Officer prior to disposal.
When a Li-SO2 batteries is fully discharged, it may be classified as non-hazardous solid waste, and disposed in
accordance with state and local regulations.
Batteries classified as HW should be disposed through your local servicing Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office.