TM 10-6140-200-14
d. Monthly Storage Battery Record: DA Form
This record should be prepared and maintained by the
10-161. Monthly Storage Battery Record is to be used to
using organization and should accompany the battery at
record the services performed on motive power batteries.
all times.
tion No. IB 1-1971.
1-3. Standards
b. Copies of NEMA standards may be obtained at
nominal cost by writing to: National Electrical Manu-
a. Those definitions referenced throughout this manual
facturers Association, Department of Engineering and
generally agree with accepted industry standards. For a
Safety Regulations, 2101 L Street, N.W. Washington,
more complete listing of "Definitions for Lead-Acid In-
D.C. 20037.
dustrial Storage Batteries" see NEMA Standards publica-
batteries. The typical cell arrangement for 12 volt
1-4. Battery
batteries (6 cells) is a single row of 6 cells; for 24 volts
Motive power lead-acid batteries for electric powered
(12 cells) it is either two rows of 6 cells each or three
rows of 4 cells each; for 32 volts (16 cells) it is four rows
industrial trucks, tractors and cranes typically consist of
6, 12, 16 or 18 cells, a steel tray into which the cells are
of 4 cells each; and for 36 volts (18 cells) it is three rows
assembled, a battery terminal connector and other com-
of 6 cells each. The cells of all motive power batteries
ponents necessary to secure and protect the cells and
are, however, always connected in series to produce the
required voltage. Cell and battery capacity, which is the
available ampere-hours or watt-hours, is a function of the
total number and size of plates within each cell. Voltage,
though, is the same for all cells regardless of size. Each
a. Battery Identification and Data. The essential in-
lead-acid cell yields a nominal 2 volts.
formation, necessary for proper care of an industrial
motive power battery, appears on the battery either
c. Connector Arrangement. Connections between cells
stamped into one of the intercell connectors or on a
are made by intercell connectors which may be lead
name plate affixed to the tray. This information usually
coated copper straps or cast of solid lead. These connec-
includes the manufacturers name and model, number of
tions are always welded, in proper sequence, by the
plates per cell, battery capacity, battery voltage, serial
application of heat to the terminals of the cells. Total
number, suggested charging rate and full charge specific
energy from the battery is drawn off by terminal cables
gravity of electrolyte.
which extend beyond the steel tray wall and are in turn
permanently joined to the battery terminal connector.
(1) If vital information is missing, or is no longer
legible, such information can be obtained from the manu-
d. Physical Characteristics. Those characteristics which
facturer's manual or by contacting their nearest represent-
are of general interest and, in effect, constitute "specifica-
tions" are shown in Military Standards MS-15367 (Con-
ventional Design) and MS-16974 (Explosion Proof Design
(2) Some manufacturers list, as a part of the model or
type designation, the rated ampere-hour capacity of a
Intended For Use In Hazardous Locations).
single positive plate, such as "X75." As an alternate
means of determining rated battery capacity this number
1-5. Cell
should be multiplied by the total number of positive
plates in one cell. To find the number of positive plates
a. This is the basic unit of any battery. A typical cell is
in a cell, subtract one from the total number of plates
shown in Figure 1-2. It is a galvanic cell which produces
and divide by two. To find the capacity of a battery
electrical energy when connected to an electrical load
designated "X75-19," therefore: 19-1=18; 182=9; 9 x
and, after being discharged, may be restored to its original
fully charged condition. It has a nominal voltage of 2
75=675 A.H. battery capacity.
volts and consists of an element, from which the energy is
derived, and electrolyte, both of which are contained by
b. Cell Arrangement. The individual cells, which con-
an impact resistant, molded rubber or plastic jar. The
tain the energy generating components of the battery,
element is prevented from contacting the bottom of the
may be arranged slightly differently for various types of