TM 10-6140-200-14
f. A properly insulated lifting beam of adequate
2-1. Establishing Requirements
capacity should be used to lift the battery, by means of
an overhead hoist, from the battery skid.
The number of batteries required for service depends
primarily upon the number of 8-hour shifts in effect.
2-3. Handling Batteries
Normally, for operation on a single shift basis, the
minimum number of batteries required will be the same
At all times, when lifting batteries, use a device which
as the number of items of operating equipment and the
exerts a vertical pull on the lifting eye or tab. If a chain
batteries need not be removed from the truck for
must be used, it should be in combination with a lifting
charging. For operation on a 2 or 3 shift basis, the
beam with provision for adjusting lifting hook centers to
minimum number of batteries required will be twice the
the exact length of the tray. Any method of lifting which
number of items of operating equipment and it will,
tends to "squeeze" or "stretch" the battery tray may
therefore, be necessary to exchange discharged batteries
distort it and could damage jars or disturb cell seals. A
for charged batteries at the end of each work shift.
piece of rubber sheet, or other insulating material,
Whenever possible, it is recommended that more than the
temporarily laid on the battery while lifting, will prevent
minimum number of batteries be available for multiple
any possible short circuits from chains or hooks. As an
shift operation. This will provide at least 8 hours of rest,
additional precaution against accidental shorting, the
after charging, as a cooling period. In an emergency any
lifting beam hooks should be electrically insulated from
one battery can be used for two 8 hour shifts during a 24
each other. A typical lifting beam in use is shown in
hour period, but if this is repeated regularly it probably
Figure 2-1.
will cause high electrolyte temperatures and could seri-
ously effect service life. Therefore, where 3 shift opera-
tion is normal, 3 batteries will be required per item of
2-2. Unpacking Upon Receipt
a. It is important first to examine the exterior of the
packing for wet spots on bottom or sides which may
indicate leaking jars which could have been broken in
shipment. Inspect also for physical damage to battery
package which could mean that the battery was effected
as well. Report any damage to the superior officer in
b. Make certain that the package is right side up with
skid mounts resting firmly on floor.
c. Use a
forklift truck or
crane of
sufficient capacity
to remove the packaged battery from the truck or freight
car. If a crane is employed be sure the sling is secured
against the bottom of the skid and not around the skid
Figure 2-1. Lifting beam and battery
d. Move the crated battery to the uncrating area and
remove packaging, including any wrapping or other
2-4. Preparing Batteries for Use
protection provided to the battery terminal cable con-
Batteries are shipped either "charged and dry" or
"charged and wet." They vary considerably, of course, in
e. Inspect battery and report any damage to the
their preparation needs.
superior officer in charge.