TM 11-6130-381-14
Section l. GENERAL
6-1. Scope of General Support Maintenance
b. Test Equipment. The teat equipment required
t o maintain the battery charger at the general
a. General support maintenance of the battery
support level are listed in appendix B, section III.
charger consists of the following:
c. Materials. The material required to maintain
(1) Troubleshooting (Section II)
the battery charger at the general support level are
(2) Maintenance (Section III)
as follows:
(3) Testing (Section IV)
(1) Polyurethane coating, Conathane CE-1164
b. General support maintenance functions for the
battery charger are authorized by the Maintenance
( 2 ) Dry inert gas for purging when storing
A l l o c a t i o n Chart (MAC) in Appendix B. Repair
coating for reuse (Mitrogen or Freon 12)
p a r t s authorized at the general Support maint-
( 3 ) Solvent, Dow Chemical Co, Chlorothene
e n a n c e level are listed in the Repair Parts and
Special Tools List (RPSTL). TM 11-6130-
VG per Federal Specification O-T-620, Type I.
(4) Chemical stripper such as SNAP (Martin
Paint Co), DMF (Dimethylformamide) or
c. This chapter provides maintenance in-
s t r u c t i o n s over and above those provided for
(5) No. 3 camel hair brush or equivalent.
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l and direct support personnel to
(6) Non-absorbent probe.
r e s t o r e the battery charger to an operable con-
(7) Kimwipers, No. 1300 or equivalent.
dition. These procedures encompass the following:
(8) Source of heat: Pam PPS 100A/PRC-150,
( 1 ) A troubleshooting chart to enable fault
s o l d e r i n g iron or equivalent 340F (171C) to
i s o l a t i o n to a replaceable subasaernbly, to a
360F (182C).
chassis/panel mounted part, a, a piece part on the
control circuit card assembly.
Electric Corp.
(2) Repair of the battery charger subassembly
(10) Alligator clips.
including the wiring harmess and the control
circuit card assembly.
(11 ) Female connector, Deutsch Model
DS 07-7S-308.
( 3 ) Adjustment procedures for the battery
( 1 2 ) Four 12-inch lengths of AWG No. 14
insulated Wire.
(4) Performance tests of the battery charger
and adjustment procedure as required.
(13) Solder, 60 percent tin, per Federal
Specification QQ-S-571.
P r o c e d u r e s utilized at direct and organizational
(14) Nylon tape, type P, class 2 per
m a i n t e n a n c e are not duplicated unless deemed
n e c e s s a r y in this chapter but are referenced as
(15) Tywraps per MIL-S-23190.
(16) Varnish per MIL-V-173.
6-2. Tools, Equipment and Material
a. Tools. The tools required to maintain the
b a t t e r y charger at the general support level are
listed in appendix B, section III.
6-3. General Instructions
contact with the output terminals.
Reenergize the equipment and disconnect it
from the input power source prior to
W h e n servicing the battery charger, be
performing any maintenance
e x t r e m e l y careful of the high voltages.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g at the general support level in-
S e r i o u s injury or death may result from