TM 11-6130-413-40
start unit. Observe the ammeter (M5) deflects to near-
tion of actual battery capacity), associated run indica-
ly full-scale for between .4 and .75 seconds, then re-
tor (DS3) extinguishes, AUTO/MAN CHARGE NO. 2
turns to zero. This action will be repeated every second
timer (M1) begins operation and the associated run
(slightly longer when supply voltage is 50 Hz). Turn
indicator (DS1) illuminates.
the CHARGE AMP-HR control (R16) to higher and
(i) At the end of the cycle, all indicators extin-
lower settings and observe that charging pulse inter-
guish except PASS (DS2) and unit enters a RESET
val is longer at higher settings, shorter at lower set-
tings. Return control setting to proper position for bat-
d. Operational Errors- If the operator changes con-
tery used.
trol function settings during mid-cycle, or uses the
d. Allow unit to charge battery for a few minutes,
wrong control settings for the battery parameters, in-
then press RESET (S1) and disconnect discharged bat-
ternal detection circuits operate quickly to shut down
the unit. If this occurs, recheck for proper control set-
tery. Connect fully charged battery and press start
switch (S2) Unit should charge, but as voltage rises to
tings and restart unit to complete interrupted cycle.
28.5 volts dc (for 19 cell batteries) between pulses,
e. Charger/Ana/yzer Reset- During discharge cycle,
charge current will drop to an indicated 50 to 70 am-
if charger/analyzer seems to be reset, possibly due to
peres and time of charge pulse drops to a fraction of
selection of the wrong DISCHARGE rate (over-current
the previous time (approximately one tenth of a sec-
condition), re-select proper range, set DISCHARGE
AMP control (R1) down to 0, reinitiate START (S2)
ond). Note that the time required to go to a lower (top-
ping) charge rate depends on battery state of charge.
and slowly bring DISCHARGE AMP control (RI) up to
appropriate CURRENT (M15) level for the selected
Turn AUTO CHARGE No. 1 timer (M3) counterclock-
range. Note that this procedure will not operate in
wise to one-hour marking, observing that unit
automatic discharge if charger/analyzer had failed
switches automatically to discharge mode, CHARGE 1
EOD before one hour (FAIL light on). If this condition
light (DS5) goes off, and discharge RUN light (DS3)
occurs, reset AUTO CHARGE NO. 1 timer (M3) clock-
goes on.
e. Observe that discharge current is constant. Move
wise, then back to the time-out condition; or advance
AUTO/MANUAL DISCHARGE timer (M2) past the
DISCHARGE AMP HR control (S7) to higher and low-
one-hour marking. (Perform the former procedure if
er settings to verify that current can be controlled.
setting of AUTO/MANUAL DISCHARGE timer (M2)
When discharge setting is too high, an internal sensor
is not to be disturbed.)
will trip out discharge circuit. To reset this circuit,
f. Equipment Shut-Down- Equipment operation
turn DISCHARGE AMP HR control (S7) to zero, press
can be fully terminated at any time, in the event of
START (S2) and then set the desired discharge cur-
failure or external conditions, by setting the ON-OFF
rent. Return control to original position. Since DIS-
circuit breaker (CB1) to OFF position. Disconnect unit
CHARGE AMP HR control (S7) will be in 17-31 posi-
from ac power source and from battery connection.
tion, range of adjustment will be approximately 17 to
31 amperes. Press RESET (S1) and disconnect charged
3-5. Testings Procedures
battery. Connect discharged battery and turn AUTO
CHARGE No. 1 timer (M3) clockwise until FAIL light
a. The equipment is specified and tested on a func-
(DS4) goes off, then turn timer back until timer switch
tional operating basis. Under the specified conditions
clicks. Now press START (S7). Observe that current re-
of temperature and line voltage, it must charge and
mains at set point and battery voltage drops below .95
discharge batteries in the manner described in para-
volts per cell after a few minutes of discharge, time de-
graph 3-4. Since individual batteries vary, it is easier,
pending on remaining charge in battery. Since 1 hours
and more meaningful to check the unit on the basis of
has not passed, observe that FAIL light (DS4) comes
results than specific measurements.
on at this point and RUN light (DS6) goes off. Unit
b. Performance of these testing procedures requires
should stop operation, thereby verifying FAIL logic.
two serviceable batteries, preferably in the range of
f. Press RESET (S1), disconnect dischargd battery
30-40 ampere-hour capacity, such as BB-433 A/A.
and connect charged battery. Turn AUTO CHARGE
One battery should be nearly discharged; the other ful-
No. 1 timer (M3) clockwise until FAIL light (DS4) goes
off, then turn timer back until switch clicks. Unit will
return to DISCHARGE. Slowly turn AUTO/MANUAL
Make sure that charger/analyzer is in RE-
DISCHARGE timer (M2) counter-clockwise to 2 HR
SET before disconnecting and reconnecting
marking. When timer reaches 2 HR marking, observe
batteries. Do not connect a battery when the
that CHARGE 2 light (DS1) comes on and DIS-
RUN light (DS6) is on.
CHARGE light (DS3) goes off. The green PASS light
c. Set up charger/analyzer for automatic operation,
(DS2) will also come on as the charging begins.
Phases 3,4 and 5, in accordance with procedures given
g. Turn AUTO/MAN CHARGE No. 2 timer (Ml)