TM 9-6140-200-14
(5) Keep your battery fully charged. A fully charged battery can withstand
temperatures of -70 degrees F without freezing. A discharged battery can
freeze at 10 degrees F.
(6) When equipment with conventional batteries will not start at low
temperatures, turn off all starting switches and check for a frozen battery
before attempting to slave start or boost charge. Take off all filler caps and
visually examine the electrolyte (do not attempt this procedure will GEL
batteries, as their filler caps are not removable). If the battery case is
buckled, swollen, or cracked or if you can see ice or frost inside any cell,
notify unit maintenance that the battery is frozen. If no indication of ice
present, replace all filler caps before proceeding.
Do not attempt to operate equipment with frozen batteries.
Do not attempt to slave start equipment with a frozen battery.
Do not attempt to charge a frozen battery. Attempting any of
These actions may cause the battery to explode.
2-6 General.
This section contains troubleshooting and maintenance information for the equipment
2-7 Troubleshooting.
Operator/crew troubleshooting consists of monitoring all equipment battery condition
indicators (voltmeters or ammeters) for readings which might indicate battery problems
(too high or too low readings). After engine starts, and if battery indicators are
abnormal and do not return to the normal operating range within thirty (30) minutes of
engine running time, notify unit maintenance.
2-8 Maintenance.