TM 9-6140-200-14
i. Defective. Any battery other than depleted, which will not operate its assigned
equipment, provided the equipment is not responsible for this lack of operation.
j. Depleted. Any battery which has been used to the end of its duty cycle (i.e., to
its cut-off or end of life voltage).
k. Disposal. Burying, crushing, destroying, burning, incinerating, or discarding into
the general refuse/trash.
I. Disposition. The transfer of unserviceable battery (ies) or electrolyte to the local
servicing DRMO Activity for disposal. The DRMO activity has the option to
recycle this transferred material.
m. Dry Cell. A cell in which the electrolyte is not free flowing.
n. Duty Cycle Discharge. A battery discharged to the point where it will no longer
operate its intended equipment.
o. Electrolyte. The electrically conductive fluid or gelled contents of a cell.
p. EPA Hazardous Waste Number. A number assigned to a particular hazardous
waste under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulations.
q. Hazardous Material. A substance or material containing a substance, which has
been determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable of health,
safety, and/or hazardous property when transported in commerce, and which has
been so designated.
Hazardous Material Table (HMT). Table (title 49, Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 172.101) which lists materials which are considered hazardous during
transportation. Materials listed in this HMT are regulated under US Department
of Transportation regulations. OCONUS = host country and/or status of Forces
S. Hazardous Waste. A waste that is listed or exhibits any of the characteristics as
defined in accordance with existing federal (i.e. Title 40 CFR, Part 261, subpart
C or D), state or local regulations.
Non-hazardous Solid Waste. A solid waste which is not a hazardous waste.