TB 43-0134
upright position. DO NOT stack batteries on their sides, in
(2) If KOH electrolyte spills or leaks, DO NOT
order to prevent unintentional draining.
touch spilled material. Stop leak if you can do it without risk.
If the palletized batteries cannot be protected
Take up with sand, or other noncombustible material, then
from exposure to the weather (rain, snow, etc.), the unit must
flush area with water. Notify the local SO and IEO.
Transportation requirements. See para 2-6 for
be , protected with plastic sheeting. Refer to SB 38-100.
(2) In accordance with Title 49 CFR, Part
packaging, marking and labeling requirements. In accordance
173.159(d), packaging for sealed NI-CD batteries without vent-
with Title 49 CFR, Part 172.101 HMT, Hazard Class 8, and 49
filler caps are exempt from requirements provided they meet
CFR, Part 173.159.
the test requirements of this para, protected against short
(1) Packaging for vented NI-CD batteries with
circuits and securely packaged.
vent-filler caps:
(3) Marking and labeling: See para 26 b.
(a) Vented NI-CD batteries, and the cells
contained therein, should be fully discharged, prior to
(a) For vented NI-CD batteries with vent-
filler caps: proper shipping name: Battery, wet, filled with alkali;
014-6225, in accordance with procedures in the battery TM.
Hazard Class: 8; UNID: UN2795; Packing Group: III; label in
(b) Must be protected against short
accordance with 49 CFR, Part 172.442: CORROSIVE label;
(c) Batteries may be either packaged in
(b) For sealed NI-CD batteries without
boxes or se-cured to pallets. Drum(s) are NOT approved.
vent-filler caps: proper shipping name: Battery, wet, non-
(d) Requirements for packaging batteries
in boxes
Hazard Class: 8; UNID: UN2800; Packing Group: III; label in
All batteries, vent-filler caps and terminals of bat
accordance with Title 40 CFR, Part 172.442: COR-ROSIVE
teries MUST be protected against physical damage and shot
Disposition and disposal. DO NOT accumulate
The vent/filler caps of vented battery cells
and store waste batteries for disposal for more than 90 days.
should be taped in place, and the vent holes sealed with the
same tape.
(1) NI-CD batteries may be disposed as HW
In order to protect packaging, place battery(ies)
through your local servicing DRMO, or via local contract, with
in a plastic bag to control any residue or battery electrolyte
an EPA HW# of D006 for Cd.
leakage, and seal the bag(s) with a nonmetallic closure such
(2) In states with bioassay requirements,
as tape.
based on cadmium and nickel content, these batteries should
Place bagged batteries in a DOT Specification
be considered HW, and disposition may be through your local
4C , 4C2, 4D or 4F wooden, or 4G fiberboard box(es). DO
servicing DRMO or via local contract.
NOT overfill boxes. Batteries should fit snugly in the boxes An
Silver (AG) Batteries
inside top clearance of at least inch above the battery
Primary (non-rechargeable) batteries containing
terminals and/or vent/filler caps must be provided, with
silver (Ag).
reinforcement to prevent them from being crushed. Any empty
(1) Chemical characterization.
spaces inside the boxes should be filled with suitable
(a) BA-245/U and BA-2245/U:
absorbent, non-combustible packing materials.
Anode: Zinc (Zn).
(e) Requirements
Cathode: Silver chloride (AgC1).
Electrolyte: Aqueous solution of lithium chloride
Batteries which are placed on pallets must be
(LiC1) or zinc chloride (ZnCI2) and zinc sulfate (ZnSO4).
securely fastened by non-metallic strapping.
BA-245/U and BA-2245/U have sealed cells
Height of the palletized unit (batteries,
containing a mild acid which may leak if the battery is abused.
strapping, and pallet) must not exceed 1 times the width of
A typical cell contains 20 to 30 percent AgC1 by weight.
the pal-let, and may not contain less than one complete layer
Serious chemical burns can result if this electrolyte comes into
or mot than two layers of batteries per unit.
contact with the skin or eyes. If the battery electrolyte gets
The completed unit must be able to support
into your eyes, it can cause severe damage and/or blindness.
twice its own weight without damage to the batteries, pallet or
Ag and Ag salts are toxic and hazardous
materials for disposal.
Battery terminals must not be relied upon to sup
port any weight from batteries or units stacked above them.
Package and stack vented batteries in an