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ac. Report, USAEHA, 21 November 1983, Subject:
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2800 Eastern Boulevard
Information Service (NTIS) # AD-A280757.
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Ad. Report, USAEHA, 7 February 1985, Subject:
Telephone: DSN 584-2533 or Commercial (301) 671-2533
Hazardous Waste Study No. 37-26-0427-85, Evaluation of
For A-1 d:
Lithium Sulfur Dioxide Batteries, USA CECOM and US Army
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ae. Report, US Army Medical Bioengineering
400 7 Street, SW Washington, DC 20590
Research & Development Laboratory, March 1986, Subject:
Telephone: Commercial (202) 366-2301
Technical Report 8507, Safety And Health Hazards Of
For A-1 e:
Disposal Of Lithium Thionyl Chloride Batteries In Sanitary
GSA Centralized Mailing Lists Services
P.O. Box 17077
Af. Report, USAEHA, 28 March 1988, Subject:
819 Taylor Street
Hazardous Waste Study No. 37-26-0115-88, Evaluation of
Fort Worth, TX 76102-0077
Thermal Batteries For Hazardous Waste Characteristics, USA
Telephone: DSN 739-7369 or Commercial (817) 334-5212
CE-COM, Ft. Monmouth NJ, October -December 1987; NTIS
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# AD-A280706.
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American National Standards Institute Sales Department
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Contact: CECOM LAR or CECOM Safety Office (See para 1-
Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ, CECOM-TR-94-7, December
1994, Subject: Magnesium Battery Disposal Characteristics;
NTIS# AD-A293053.