TM 10-6140-200-14
Table 3-1. Storage battery troubleshooting chart - Continued
Possible Remedy
Possible Cause
1. Replace jar(s) and adjust gravity.
1. Cracked or broken jar(s).
Low electrolyte
2. More careful attention when watering.
2. Cell missed when watered.
3. Repair or replace cell(s).
3. Defective or weak cell(s).
4. See items 1 and 2 in "Battery Over-
4. Frequent overcharge.
heats During Charge."
5. Water battery regularly.
5. Battery not regularly watered.
1. Clean battery.
1. Grounds in battery.
Unequal cell voltages
2. a. Use dropping resistor instead of
2. There is a "tap" off the battery for
auxiliary equipment (radio, light,
b. Equalize battery regularly.
3. a. Give battery a deep discharge and
3. Battery sluggish due to lack of work.
b. Equalize the battery periodically.
4. Replace jar or cover and adjust gravity.
4. Leaking cell or cover.
5. Repair or replace defective cell(s).
5. Defective or weak cell(s).
6. Replace the battery.
6. Battery worn out and beyond
economical repair.
7. Adjust specific gravity.
7. Acid loss in a few cells by tipping
battery over.
8. Fill to proper level and adjust specific
8. Frequent overwatering causing
Table 3-2. Temperature effect on battery self-discharge
ment does not operate as expected and it can help
determine when the battery should be replaced. When a
Loss of Specific Gravity
battery consistently delivers less than 80% of its rated
Per Day
(Degrees Fahrenheit)
ampere-hour capacity, either some cells are sub-standard
or it has reached the end of its useful life and should be
b. A
test discharge is
performed by
discharging a
charged battery at a fixed rate under carefully controlled
test conditions. If a battery is to be capacity tested, it is
recommended that the test conditions, methods and
cleared or cells replaced. Usually, if the sediment well is
procedures specified in NEMA Standards Publication No.
full, salvage is impractical.
IB2-1974 entitled "Determination of Capacity of Lead-
Acid Industrial Storage Batteries for Motive Power
3-4. Test Discharge
Service" be used.
a. A capacity test is sometimes desirable to determine a
battery's actual discharge capability as compared to its 6
c. A copy of this Standard may be obtained from
hour rated capacity.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Department
of Engineering and Safety Regulations, 2101 L Street,
N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037.
This can be a significant diagnostic tool when equip