TM 10-6140-200-14
c. Open or "break" the circuit before repairing damaged
or acid resistant plastic containers when storing acid or
battery, by removing and insulating one terminal lead at a
e. When mixing acid, to prepare electrolyte, always
pour the acid slowly into the water and stir constantly to
d. When melting sealing compound, in preparation for
mix well. Never pour water into acid. Never use sulfuric
resealing cells, be careful not to puncture the top section of
acid solutions which are over 1.400 specific gravity.
unmelted compound with a screw driver or other pointed
object. A build-up of pressure from the melted compound
f. Apply a neutralizing solution, such as bicarbonate of
in the bottom could cause liquid compound to squirt and
soda and water, when acid is spilled on floor and clean up
inflict a severe burn. Do not allow compound to ignite by
promptly. A mixture of one pound of soda to one gallon of
overheating. Compound becomes workable at 400 to 425
water is recommended.
degrees F.
e. Check batteries frequently for acid leakage or signs of
4-7. Safety Procedures While Servicing or Repairing
a. Disconnect the battery from the truck, tractor or
f. Use insulated tools whenever possible when working
crane when servicing or repairing either the battery or the
on batteries. If possible, also cover the terminals and
equipment. Also make certain the battery is disconnected
connectors of a battery with a sheet of plywood or other
insulating material to prevent short circuits.
from the charger before handling or repairing the battery.
g. When taking specific gravity readings, use a face
b. Before repairing a battery, remove all of the vent caps
shield or goggles and read the hydrometer with eye at about
and blow out each cell with a low pressure air hose to
remove any residual gas. Use only a gentle stream of air to
all electrolyte to the cell.
avoid splashing electrolyte.