TM 10-6140-200-14
f. Only trained and authorized personnel should be
f. Before connecting a battery to, or disconnecting it
permitted to change or charge batteries.
from, a charger, the charger should be turned off. Live leads
can cause arcing and pitting of battery connector contact
g. Reinstalled batteries should be properly positioned
and secured in the truck, tractor or crane. Before installing
a new or different battery, check both the truck or tractor
g. Make sure that all electrical connections are tight and
nameplate and battery service weight to make sure that the
mechanically sound to prevent any arcing or loss of power.
proper weight battery is being used. A battery of the wrong
weight can change the center of gravity and cause equip-
h. Wear a face shield or goggles, rubber gloves, apron
and boots when checking, filling, charging or repairing
batteries during periods of possible exposure to acid or
i. When batteries are charged on racks, the racks should
be insulated to prevent any possibility of shorting.
j. When charging an enclosed or covered battery,
always keep the battery tray cover, or compartment cover,
open during the charging period. This will help to keep the
battery cool and disperse the gases.
k. Keep vent caps in place at all times except while
servicing or repairing cells. This minimizes the loss of
electrolyte and prevents foreign matter from entering the
Figure 4-1. Weight designation on battery
l. Shut off and disconnect both input and output
connections to the charger before repairing charging equip
4-5. Safety Procedures While Charging Batteries
4-6. Safety Procedures While Handling Acids
a. Specific areas should be designated for charging
a. The splashing of acid into the eyes is the most
batteries. These areas should be equipped with overhead
dangerous condition which can be encountered while
hoists, conveyors or cranes for handling batteries.
handling sulfuric acid or electrolyte. If this should happen,
the eyes should immediately be gently flooded with clean,
b. Charging areas should be adequately ventilated. The
fresh, running water for at least 15 minutes followed as
actual amount of ventilation will depend upon such factors
quickly as possible with a physicians examination. If the
as number and size of batteries being charged at the same
person is wearing contact lenses they should be removed
time, room size, ceiling height and air-tightness of the
before rinsing the eyes.
building. Hydrogen concentrations above 4% can be explo-
c. Smoking, open flames, and sparks should all be
Do not use a buffering or neutralizing agent in
prohibited in the charging area. Post placards "Hydrogen",
the eyes without medical approval.
"Flammable Gas", "No Smoking" and "No Open Flames".
b. Acid or electrolyte splashed onto the skin should be
d. Facilities should be provided for flushing and neu-
washed off under running water. Battery electrolyte will
tralizing spilled electrolyte, for fire protection, including
usually only cause irritation of the skin; but if a bum
hand operated fire extinguishers, and for protecting charg-
develops, it should be treated medically.
ing equipment from damage by trucks, tractors or cranes.
e. Fresh water should always be available in case
c. When electrolyte is splashed on clothing, use a weak
electrolyte is splashed on skin, clothing or into eyes. The
solution of bicarbonate of soda, as soon as possible, to
kinds of equipment available for eye-wash and acid neutrali-
neutralize the acid.
zation vary widely but either an eye-wash fountain or
deluge shower and chemical burn station (squeeze bottle
d. A carboy tilter or safety siphon should be provided
containing a buffering solution for relief of acid burns)
for handling acid from a carboy container. Use the
should be located in the immediate work area. These should
protective box when moving a carboy. Store acid in a cool
be clearly identified and readily accessible.
place out of the direct rays of the sun. Use only glass, lead