Following is a list of references available to
Field Use for Electronics
Command Equipment.
the operator and organizational repairman of
SB 38-100
Preservation, Packaging, and
the equipment:
Packing Materials, Sup-
DA Pam 310-4 Index of Technical Manuals,
plies, and Equipment Used
Technical Bulletins, Supply
by the Army.
Manuals (Types 4, 6, 7, 8,
Field Instructions for Paint-
TB SIG 364
and 9), Supply Catalogs
ing and Preserving Elec-
(Type CL), Supply Bulle-
tronics Command Equip-
tins, Lubrication Orders,
and Modification Work Or-
TM 38-750
Army Equipment Record Pro-
Painting and Preservation
Supplies A v a i l a b l e for