Section I. GENERAL
(4) If the control circuit card assembly and/or
5-1. Scope of Direct Support Maintenance
the battery charger subassembly is found to be
a. Direct support maintenance of the battery
defective, they are to be forwarded to general
charger consists of the following:
support maintenance for repair and further testing
(1) Troubleshooting (Section II)
in accordance with the requirements set forth in
(2) Maintenance (Section III)
TM 38-750.
(3) Testing (Section IV)
b. Direct support maintenance functions for the
5-2. Tools, Equipment and Material
battery charger are authorized by the Maintenance
a. Tools. The tools required to maintain the
Allocation Chart (MAC) in appendix B. Repair
battery charger at the direct support level are
parts authorized at the direct support maintenance
listed in appendix B, section III.
level are listed in the Repair Parts and Special
b. Test Equipment. The test equipment required
Tools List (RPSTL), TM 11-6130-381-34P.
to maintain the battery charger at the direct
c. This chapter provides detailed instructions,
support level are listed in appendix B, section III.
including step by step procedures and illustrations
c. Materials. The material required to maintain
to assist cognizant maintenance personnel in
the battery charger at the direct support level are
performing the following fault isolation, main-
as follows:
tenance and test functions.
(1) Silicone grease, Dow Corning, part no.
(1) A troubleshooting chart is provided to
FS3451-2, or equivalent.
enable fault isolation to a replaceable subassembly
(2) Anti-seize compound Per MIL-T-5542.
or chassis/panel mounted part.
(3) Silicone grease, Dow Corning, compound
(2) Maintenance procedures in section III
no. 5 or equivalent.
provide instructions to enable maintenance per-
(4) Adhesive RTV162 and primer SS4155
sonnel to replace a defective subassembly or part
General Electric.
isolated by inspection, test or troubleshooting.
(5) Adhesive 1177 and primer I007P, United
(3) Test procedures in section IV provide
Shoe Machine Corp.
instructions for checking that the repaired unit is
(6) Primer (grade N, form R) and sealing
functioning properly.
compound (grade EV) per MIL-S-22473.
the fault. Sectionalization means tracing the fault to
5-3. General
a major circuit group of the equipment, such as the
input power circuit, the control circuit card
When servicing the battery charger, be
assembly, the battery charger subassembly or the
extremely careful of the high voltages.
230 vac conversion assembly. Determination of the
Serious injury or death may result from
circuit group at fault is accomplished as follows:
contact with the output terminals.
a. Visual Inspection. The purpose of Visual
Reenergize the equipment, and disconnect
inspection is to locate faults without testing or
it from the input power source prior to
measuring circuits. All meter readings, or other
performing any maintenance.
visual indications, should be observed and an
Troubleshooting at the direct support level in-
atttempt made to sectionalize the fault to a par-
cludes all techniques given for organizational
ticular circuit group.
maintenance in addition to the techniques stipulated
b. Operational Tests. An operational test
herein. Procedures for fault isolation are contained in
frequently indicates the general location of trouble.
In many instances, the test will help to determine
vicing a defective battery charger is to sectionalize