provided by dual section filter FL6001 and
Zenor diode CR6114 is used to provide a reference
capacitors C6003 and C6004.
voltage supply that is divided to approximately 0.3
b. Charging Voltage Circuit (fig. FO-1).
volt by resistors R6128 and R6129.
Secondary winding terminals 16 and 17 of trans-
(3) A portion of the voltage at R6003 (which
former T6001 provide the voltage for the charging
is connected between the negative terminal of
circuits of both batteries. The bridge circuit,
battery A and the internal power supplied return)
oomprised of CR6006, CR6007, and Q6001 and
is picked off by the voltage divider consisting of
R6112, R6113, and R6114. The voltage picked off
Q6002, provides the charging voltage for battery
A; CR6006, CR6007, and Q6003 and Q6004 provide
by the wiper arm of potentiometer R6113 is
the charging voltage for battery B. Capacitor
compared" resistively by resistors R6115 and R6116
C6005 suppresses SCR switch transients. Control
with the voltage at the junction of resistors R6128
of the charging current is achieved by controlling
and R6129 (the reference 0.3 volt at operational
the conduction time of Q6001 and Q6002 for
amplifier A6102). This comparison voltage is in-
battery A, and Q2003 and Q6004 for battery B.
dicative of the current flowing through battery A.
I n d u c t o r L6001 and filter FL6003 filter the
Capacitor. C6111 bypasses the ripple in the
charging current to battery A; inductor L6002 and
charging voltage. The gain of operational amplifier
filter FL6005 filter the charging current to battery
A6102 is determined by feedback network R6117,
B. TEST METER (A) M6001 is connected in the
R6118, and CR6127. Capacitor C6112 and C6113,
charging c u r r e n t path for battery A; TEST
and resistor R6119 are used to frequency com-
pensate amplifier A6102. Capacitor C6123 filters
METER (B) M6002 is connected in the charging
current path for battery B. Meters provide in-
the negative supply voltage from CR6113 applied
dications" of the charging current flowing through
to A6102. The output of A6102 is applied to the
their respective batteries. BATTERY (A) connector
base of transistor Q6103 for further amplification.
J6001, on the front panel of the battery charger,
Resistor R6120 is the collector load resistor for
Q6103; resistor R6121 limits the emitter current.
provides the means of connecting the battery A
The amplified output is then applied to the UJT
cable connector to the battery charger. The charging
voltage is applied to the positive terminal of
trigger circuit from the collector of Q6103 through
battery A through pin 4 of J6001, and the negative
CR6115. When UJT Q6104 fires, the B1 output is
terminal of the battery is connected to pin 2 of
amplified in Q6105 and coupled to the gates of
J6001. BATTERY (B) connector J6002 provides
silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR) Q6001 and Q6002
means of connecting BATTERY (B) cable con-
of the battery charging voltage circuit by pulse
n e c t o r to the battery charger. The charging
transform T6101. Battery B charging current
voltage is applied to the positive terminal of
control circuit operates in the same way as the
battery B through pin 4 of J6002, and negative
battery A control circuit; it uses the circuit made
terminal of the battery is connected to pin 2 of
up of A6103, Q6106, Q6107, Q6108, and pulse
gates in the battery B charging voltage circuit:
c. Charging Current Control Circuit.
d. Charging Voltage-Sensing and Cutoff Circuit.
(1) secondary terminals 14 and 16 of trans-
former T6001 and CR6001, through CR6004,
and 10 provide an output to the printed circuit
provide the full-wave rectified sine wave for both
board, where it is rectified, filtered, and regulated
charging current control circuits. This sine wave is
by a power supply which consists of CR6101
in phase with the charging voltage circuit ac
through CR6104 and associated circuitry. (This
voltage. For the battery A control circuit, the sine
secondary winding also provides an ac voltage for
wave is applied as the power supply voltage to the
t h e operation of the CHARGE ON and OFF
indicator lights.) The power supply contains two
contacts (pins 4 and 6) of battery A voltage cutoff
filtering Circuits. The first consists of Capacitor
relay K6101. The battery A sine wave is clipped by
C6101, C6102, and resistor R6101, which provides
the combination of R6001, CR6116, C6001, and
+10 volts at the cathode of CR6105. The second
power supply filter consists of capacitor C6103,
(2) Transformer T6001 secondary terminals 5
C 6 1 0 4 , and resistor R6107, which provides
and 7 provide an output that is fed to the printed
circuit board, where it is rectified, filtered, and
B o t h filtering circuits provide for operation
regulated by CR6108 through CR6111, filter
of the battery charging voltage sensing and cutoff
capacitors C6107 through C6110 and resistors
circuitry. Zener diodes CR6106 and CR6107 and
R6125 and R6126. This power supply provides
resistor R6102 provide a 6-voIt reference voltage
+10 volts at the cathode of Zenor diode CR6112,
that is divided down to approximately 3 volts by
and -10 volts at the anode of Zenor diode CR6113.