TM 11-6130-392-12
(2) Unscrew REMOTE BATTERY +
When adjusting FINE ADJ controls for other
(Red) and (Black) jacks (5) for channel 1.
channels, set CHANNEL SELECT switch to
each battery channel being adjusted.
l. Tighten locking nut, after each channel is
The battery charger does not have a set
of leads or cables (6) for remote battery
m. Allow battery charger to go through charg-
charging. A set of leads or cables will be
ing time and stop charging automatically when
needed for remote battery charging.
reads O and then extinguishes.
(3) Connect one lead from positive (+)
terminal on battery being charged to red jack on
battery charger. Tighten jack.
If different type batteries, requiring differ-
(4) Connect the other lead from negative
ent charge times, were connected and re-
() terminal on battery to black jack on battery
quired additional charging proceed to step
charger. Tighten jack.
n. If no more charging is required, pro-
(5) Tighten all REMOTE BATTERY jacks
not in use.
n. Set POWER ON-OFF switch to OFF. Re-
g. Set thumbwheels on SET CHARGE TIME
retention rate of a fully charged battery at various
degrees in Fahrenheit.
Example: Normally, the batteries in channel
o. Set CHARGE TIME control for added
l through 5will all be same type re-
charge time always using shortest time.
quiring same charging time. If all
batteries, such as BB-516/U, re-
p. Set POWER ON OFF switch to ON. Press
quire a charge of 6 hours; set
START TIME pushbutton.
thumbwheels to read 6.0.
q. Repeat steps m., n., and o. as required, to
If more than one type of battery,
complete charging of remaining batteries.
each requiring a different charging
2-7.1. Operating Procedures for Battery Charging
time, is to be charged at the same
Tray Assembly MX-10154( )/U
time use the shortest time re-
quirement (6 hours).
a. The battery holder contains six battery
holding compartments. A pushbutton switch is
h. Set POWER ON-OFF switch to ON.
positioned at the bottom of each of five compart-
POWER ON indicator lamp lights.
ments designated SW1 through SW5. The sixth
i. Set CHANNEL SELECT switch to posi-
compartment does not contain a pushbutton
tion 1 and press START TIME switch.
switch and has no designation.
j. Using a 5/16 inch wrench, loosen locking
b. When only one battery is to be charged it
nut on channel 1 CURRENT SET-FINE ADJ
must be placed in the sixth undesignated compart-
ment and the battery terminal pressed firmly into
the socket designated J6.
k. Using a small bladed screwdriver, slowly
turn CURRENT SET-FINE ADJ control until
c. Up to six batteries may be charged at the
needle on panel meter points to current charging
same time. If less than six batteries, but more than
rate required for battery being charged.
one are to be charged, one of the batteries must be
Example: If battery to be charged is a BB-
inserted in the sixth (undersignated) compartment.
The remaining batteries to be charged can be
ambient temperature is 40 F (5C)
placed randomly in any of the other five desig-
to 100 F (38C); the needle should
be set to 30 mA which is read on
through q for the proper remote battery charging
0-50 panel meter scale.
Change 1 2-7