TM 11-6130-392-12
battery charger without a memory battery.
b. POWER ON Indicator Does Not Light, or No
a. No Memory Battery (B1.), or Memory Battery Failed
Replacement Lamp to Install. Follow each step in Operat-
Test In Paragraph 2-6. The battery charger will not auto-
matically hold remaining charging time, if input power is
lost or power cable is unplugged in error, during the
switch, if panel meter (M1) shows a voltage or current
reading the battery charger may be used Protect all per-
charging cycle. The battery charger would have to be
sonnel by tagging equipment on the front with an easy-to-
reset, to restart the charging cycle. Tag battery charger to
indicate memory battery has failed or no memory battery
see warning, and operate only after receiving proper
installed. Use a clock to monitor charging time when using