TM 11-6130-392-34
c. Meter circuit and controls. Panel meter
manual settings of the two controls (R5 and S7) and
(M1) monitors current from a selected charging
associated resist or assembly (A14).
circuit, voltage across any connected battery under
2-5. Functional Component Locations
charge, or status of internal 9 volt battery (B1).
The meter and associated resistors provide conven-
For purposes of operator/crew and organizational level
ient current and voltage indications on the one
instructions, functional components are located and
meter. Rotary switch (S12) selects voltage test of
named only for those seen from the outside of battery
internal 9 volt battery (B1), batteries in holders, or
remote connected batteries. Rotary switch (S4)
selects charging channel to be monitored. Push-
side, are described by function and reference number
button switch (S5) displays voltage measurement
(FL1, FL2 as an example) from the block diagram. The
on panel meter when pressed or current measure-
references (FL1, FL2) are same as used in equipment
ment on panel meter when released.
manufacturers engineering drawings. For purposes of
direct and general support maintenance, all references
d. Charging circuit and control. Five identical
are put together. Nomenclature, reference designations,
circuits, each capable of charging one battery, se-
and component locations are combined and shown for
lect and supply charging current. Each circuit is
battery charger exterior (fig. 2-2, sheets 1 and 2). Also,
fused (F1, as an example) and protected against
for general location and identification purposes only,
battery polarity reversal. Charging module (A6,
functional components inside battery charger are in-
as an example) applies charging current to a con-
cluded (sheet 3 of 3). Similary, nomenclature, reference
nected battery. Three-position toggle switch (S7)
designations, and component locations are combined
and shown for battery charging tray assembly (fig.
Variable resistor (R5) is a fine adjustment control
that determines output voltage. Charging current,
supplied to a connected battery, is determined by
Figure 2-1.1.
Functional Component Locations, Battery Charging Tray Assembly MX-10154/U.