TM 11-6130-392-34
3-4. Repainting and Refinishing
Fault isolation procedures are specified in para-
Touchup of small damaged areas of the battery charger
graph 3-12. Procedures specify when voltage, resis-
case and equipment case is authorized at direct support
tance, or waveform measurements are to be made,
level. Refer to TM 11-6130-392-12, operator and
and which test points to be used. Illustrations are
organization; maintenance manual, for instructions.
provided for identity and test point locations.
3-6. Test Equipment, Tools, and Materials
b. Tools and Materials. Tools and materials re-
a. Test equipment. Test equipment required for
q u i r e d for direct support maintenance, including
special tools required for fault isolation, are listed in
direct support maintenance of Battery Charger PP-
Table 3-1. Test Equipment
Table 3-2. Tools and Materials
3-8. Troubleshooting Test Sequence
This section contains instructions for troubleshooting
a. Visual inspection. Before performing tests,
Battery Charger PP-7286/U. Direct support personnel
visually inspect the battery charger to find faults.
will replace faulty components, which are limited to the
Prevent tests that are not necessary to locate an
easily-seen fault.
procedures are included in section IV. Test procedures
b. Test sequence. The test sequence for trouble-
for use after replacing a component are included in sec-
shooting the battery charger and isolating faulty
tion V.
components, is:
3-2 Change 1