TM 11-6130-413-12
as acceptable and the operator can determine it
power cables and requires no additional special
interconnecting wiring or external power source
cabling. Input leads are 5-foot, flexible, rubber-
covered stranded copper, and terminated with an
discharged simultaneously to zero volts. (The
appropriate plug for connection to designated ac
operator must short individual cells as their voltage
power source. Output leads are 6-foot, flexible,
drops below 0.5 volts.)
rubber-covered stranded copper, and terminated
c. Phase 3: Initial Charge. Battery is pulse-
with a type MS25182 battery disconnect plug for
charged to full capacity. One hour is required for
connection to an MS3509 aircraft. storage battery
this phase on 5 AH to 50 AH batteries.
electrical receptacle. The charger/analyzer uses
d. Phase 4: Capacity Test. Battery is discharged
solid-state circuitry with internal heat sinks and
at the 1 hour rate. If a terminal voltage of less than
convection cooling and requires no external source
0.95 volts per cell 5% is not reached within 1 hour,
of cooling air.
charger/analyzer indicates that battery passes
a. Charger Mode. When used in the charger mode
capacity test and indicates battery capacity. If the
battery reaches 0.95 volts 5% per cell before one
of operation, the unit is capable of pulse-charging a
nickel-cadmium battery from any state of discharge
hour, unit indicates a rejected battery and termi-
nates operation at this point, not continuing to
to full capacity within one hour, based on the recom-
phase 5.
mended charging rate in the appropriate battery
e. Phase 5: Final Charge. Battery is pulse-
manual. When the battery terminal voltage reaches
charged to full capacity. One hour is required for
the charge termination voltage specified for the bat-
this phase.
tery, the charging current is reduced to a topping
charge until the cycle is terminated automatically
1-9. Tabulated Data
by the charge timer.
b. Discharge Mode. The unit is also capable of
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 in. w. (43.2 cm) x 25 in. D (63.5
cm) x 16.75 in. H. (42.5 cm).
than, their one-hour ampere rating. If the battery
Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 lb. (75.5 kg) crated 143 lb.
terminal voltage reaches a specified volts-per-cell
(65 kg) uncrated.
before the one hour of discharge is completed the
Power Input Requirements . . . . 188 volts ac 253 volts ac, single
unit will indicate a failure and suspend operation.
phase, 50/60 Hz 30 amperes.
Output Characteristics. . . . . . . . Groups of 120 Hz pulses, to
1-8. System Application
pulse charge 5 to 40 A H NiCad
batteries (19 or 20 cells).
Operation of the charger/analyzer is fully auto-
Duty Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous
matic, once the operator programs the necessary
Operating Temperature Range . +32 F. (0 C.) to +113 F.
controls and cycling to match the battery under
(45 C.).
Nonoperating (storage)
test/ charge. Normal operation generally includes
Temperature Range . . . . . . . . -79 F. (62 C.) to +160 F.
the following five phases:
(+71 C.).
Operating Altitude Range . . . . . 0 to 5000 ft.
Non-operation Altitude Range. . 0 to 8000 ft.
Phase 3, 4, and 5 are automatic, including
Relative Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . to 95%.
termination except for periodic voltage
Protective Features . . . . . . . . . . Open-circuit protection polarity-
checks of each cell which may be accom-
reversal protection; short-cir-
cuit protection overload pro-
plished during charging cycles. Operator
can reset unit to any phase at any time.
Total Heat Dissipation . . . . . . . . 1200 watts maximum
a. Phase 1: Capacity Test. Battery is discharged
1-10. Equipment Supplied
at rated capacity (for 1 hour). If battery reaches a
terminal voltage of 0.95 volts 5% per cell before 1
All necessary cables for input and output electrical
hour elapses, the charger/analyzer indicates a FAIL
connections are furnished integral to the equipment.
condition and battery is checked to determine if it is
Other than voltmeter leads, no additional equip-
faulty. If 1 hour or more elapses before battery cell
ment is required to ensure that the charger/
voltage is 0.95 volts 5% the battery is considered
analyzer performs its intended function.
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