TM 11-6140-203-14-1
energy into chemical energy.
Ampere-hourAn ampere-hour is a unit of measure
Normal discharge rateNormal discharge rate is the
for battery capacity obtained by multiplying the cur-
steady amount of current which a battery will pro-
rent flow in amperes by the time in hours during
vide over a given time before the voltage drops to a
which the current flows.
predetermined point (1.0 volt per cell). The normal
ChargeCharge is an electrochemical process by
rate is expressed in the length of time this current
which electrical energy in the form of direct current
can be provided by the battery. Nickel-cadmium bat-
(forced through the battery in a direction opposed to
teries are generally rated at the 2-hour rate for air-
the discharge current) is converted to chemical
craft type or at the 5-hour rate for nonaircraft type.
Rated capacity--Rated capacity is the capacity in am-
CycleA cycle is one charge period followed by one
pere-hours which a charged battery will deliver con-
discharge period.
tinuously at its normal (2-hour for aircraft type or 5-
Discharge-Discharge is an electrochemical process in
hour for nonaircraft type) rate. The capacity of a
which chemical energy is converted into electrical
battery or the total amount of electrical energy a cell
energy in the form of direct current flowing out of
can deliver depends entirely on the amount of active
the battery into an external circuit.
material it contains. (To increase the capacity of a
Discharged battery--A discharged battery is one in
battery, therefore, a greater number of plates; or
which continued passage of charging current pro-
larger or thicker plates must be used in each cell,
duces no further appreciable conversion of electrical
with enough electrolyte to provide a conducting
energy into chemical energy.
path for the current flowing between the positive
Fully charged battery--A fully charged battery is one
and negative plates.)
in which continued passage of charging current pro-
duces no further appreciable conversion of electrical
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