TM 11-6140-203-14-3
To be used for cleaning, the compressed air source must limit the nozzle pressure to no more than 29 pounds per square
inch gauge (PSIG). Goggles must be worn at all times while cleaning with compressed air.
(3) Air hose until dry.
(4) Lightly buff each cell terminal with fine sandpaper or emery cloth.
(5) Examine each cell for cracks, distorted case, discoloration, and electrolyte contamination. If a cell has a
crack or distorted case, the cell is beyond repair and should not be used. If the exterior of a cell is discolored with burn
spots or contains electrolyte contamination (contamination is evident if foreign substances are in electrolyte), the cell is
unserviceable and should be dis- carded. For cells that visually appear to be free of cracks, discoloration, distortion, and
electrolyte contamination, proceed as follows to test the cell for electrolyte leakage:
Invert cell for 2 minutes.
After the cell has been inverted for 2 minutes, lay cell on each of its sides either on a blotter or a
paper towel for 30 seconds per side. Any wetting of the blotter or the paper towel is cause to consider the cell repairable, if
the leakage is from the cell terminal only. This repair can be accomplished by the depot. Coordinate the shipment of
these defective cells with Commander, US Army Communications and Electronics Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN:
DRSEL-MMG-B, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
Installing Cover Gasket.
(1) Check to be sure that the cover is clean and dry.
(2) Lay the cover on a clean, flat surface and thoroughly clean the side of the cover to be cemented.
(3) Apply a layer of cement (item 10, app E) to the cleaned area of the cover.
(4) Apply a layer of cement to the cleaned side of the cover gasket.
(5) Position the cover gasket on the cover, with the cemented areas of both cover and cover gasket mating.
(6) Firmly press (by hand) the cover gasket in place on the cover.
(7) Allow at least 2 hours for the cement to dry before installing the cover on the battery.
Installing Battery Terminal Connector or Receptacle.
Check to be sure that the terminal connector or receptacle is clean and dry. (2) Install the terminal connector or
receptacle, using screws, washers, and gaskets as required.
Installing Battery Case Liner.
If necessary to replace any liner, use polyamnide
plastic sheet (item 11, app E).
(1) Check to see that the battery case is clean and dry.
(2) Cut the battery case liner or insulator (polyamide plastic sheet, (NSN 9330-00-877-2872)) to the same size as the
one removed and install the replacement battery case liner in the battery case.
Installing Cells in Battery Case.
Each battery must be constructed of cells made by the same manufacturer and carry the
same stock number. DO NOT mix cells made by different manufacturers or different stock
numbers from the same manufacturer, to retrofit a battery. Use cells with or as close to the
same date code or length of service as possible.
(1) Replace liners. Using appropriate cell layout diagram shown in chapter 2 for the specific battery, replace
all cells in the battery case. If a cell is difficult to insert, apply a light coat of petroleum jelly or teflon spray to the sides of
the cell case and press firmly into place with the polarity symbols in the correct direction. Cells are connected in series
(positive to negative). Using polyamide plastic sheets (item 11, app E), shim cells as necessary for a tight fit.
(2) Replace all terminal hardware in the following sequence:
(a) Intercell connectors.
(b) Belleville washer.
(c) Flatwasher.
(a) Stud (finger tight).
Torque hardware before applying corrosion pre- ventive compound. Be sure all cell
terminals and intercell connectors are clean and smooth before assembling.
(3) Torque all connections as specified in paragraph 4-11. After reassembly, coat all hardware with
corrosion preventive compound item 12 app E).
Charging. Charge the battery, using constant-potential or constant-current method (para 5-f). Allow the
battery to rest (Para 5-4). Remove the fillercaps. Use dis- tilled water to adjust the electrolyte level to one-fourth inch
above the top of the plates Sara 5-6).
Testing. Perform the procedures given in paragraph 5-Sg to test the battery.
5-11. Vent Valve (metal) Test
Fabricate the metal vent valve tester as shown in figure 5-6.
Install 24 metal vent valves to be tested into the 24 holes. Tighten each metal vent valve sufficiently to prevent
leakage when air pressure is applied.
Connect air pressure pump with a 0- to 25-pound per square inch (psi) gauge to the Shrader valve mounted on the
metal vent valve tester
Submerge the metal vent valves into a tank of water. Slowly apply air pressure until 2 psi is reached. Observe for
leakage. If any metal vent valves leak with the 2 psi of air pressure applied, the metal vent valve is defective and