TM 11-6140-203-14-4&P
(3) Check polarity position of cells in
c. Deep discharge and balance using one of the
procedures given below. Use of the discharge fixture is
(4) Inspect for tightness of terminal studs.
the preferred method.
(1) Discharge fixture method.
(a) Position the discharge fixture NSN
b. Perform electrical leakage test as specified in
6110-00-014-6225 over an uncovered battery. Push
down firmly on the discharge fixture until it uniformly
3 milliamperes it must be deep discharged before
(b) Clamp the battery case catches on
the strikes of the discharge fixture bottom plate.
(c) Leave the discharge fixture on the
Refer to TM 11-6140-203-14-1 for
battery for 16 to 18 hours, or for 8 hours after the light
information concerning the temporary
on the fixture is extinguished. Remove discharge
lows of capacity of a nickel-cadmium
fixture only after battery is fully discharged.
and the discharge method
to restore the rated
capacity to the nickel cadmium battery.