TM 11-6140-203-14-4&P
0.95 V/cell, in the LONG CYCLE mode, is reached. Cell
1. Use the following settings: 0-75
voltages should be scanned after 0.9 hours of discharge
variable resistor. set to 2.0 ohms Average discharge
(55 minutes) for low cell voltages. If at least 60 minutes
current for 3 hours discharge: 11.3 amperes Minimum
of discharge is attained then the charger-analyzer will
closed battery voltage at end of 3 hour discharge: 19.0
automatically switch to final charge when the end voltage
volts Minimum individual cell voltages: 1.0 volts.
is reached. If the discharge is less than 60 minutes, the
2. Begin the discharge capacity test.
BATTERY REJECT light is illuminated and the charger
3. When the battery has been
analyzer will continue to discharge the battery at the 10
discharged for 3 hours at the rate indicated above,
hour (C/10) rate for the time on the charge timer. The
measure the closed circuit battery voltage and then as
actual capacity obtained, reported in tenths of an hour,
quickly as possible, the individual cell voltages.
should be recorded on the battery record card.
4. The battery voltage should be
(c) For the resistor method, connect the
above 19.0 volts. If any cell is less than 1 volt, stop
switch (item 7, appx E), variable resistor (item 8) and test
than 1 volt for possible replacement.
required, one to measure voltage and the other current.