TM 11-6140-203-14-4&P
(2) Vent caps. Clean and test cell vent caps
polyamide plastic sheets (item 11, appx E), shim cells
as necessary for a tight fit.
(3) Electrical connections. Remove shorting
(2) Replace all terminal hardware in the
following sequence: (a) Intercell connectors.
strap from cells. Polish terminal surface with fine emery
(b) Belleville washer.
cloth or sandpaper to remove any oxide coating.
(c) Flatwasher.
b. Electrolyte Level The cells are normally shipped
(d) Stud (fingertight).
with the proper amount of electrolyte. Do not add
additional 31 percent KOH electrolyte until after the
battery has been charged. However, if the cells contain
Torque hardware before applying corrosion
an excess amount of electrolyte while in the discharged
preventive compound. Be sure all cell terminals
state, this should be removed before charge is begun.
and intercell connectors are clean and smooth
Follow procedures of paragraph 5-4a(3). Electrolyte is
before assembling.
only used for undefiled new cells on the first charge.
(3) Torque all connections as specified
Use distilled water at all other times.
c Assemble Battery.
g. Charging and Testing.
(1) Place cells in battery case observing
proper polarity. Positive terminals are marked with a
(2) After charging allow the battery to rest for
plus (+) sign molded into the cell case. Some cells may
30 minutes. Remove the vent caps. Using distilled
also have the cell cover near the positive terminal dyed
water, adjust the electrolyte level to 1/4 inch above the
red. For the cell layout refer to chapter 2.
(2) Attach intercell connectors, that have been
(3) Test the performance of the battery as
previously cleaned of all corrosion preventive compound
and lightly polished with fine emery cloth or sandpaper
(4) Perform electrical leakage test (para 4-
following the specific cell layout of chapter 2.
(3) Tighten terminal studs with torque wrench
h Corrosion Prevention. After all performance
to 50 inch-pounds.
and leakage requirements have been met, coat all
(4) Before charging, reinspect battery for
hardware with corrosion preventive compound (item 12,
proper polarity of cells and read cell voltages. Check to
appx E).
see that all cells are from the same manufacturer.
d. Charging. Charging a battery that contains new
5-10. Individual New Cells.
cells that have not been previously formed (particularly
When individual new cells are being prepared for use,
those from the Marathon Battery Co.) may require a
be careful when charging. Do not charge individual cells
slightly different procedure than normal for the very first
unless the plastic cell case is externally supported
charge. Specifically, a brand new cell may require an
because gas pressure, while charging the unprotected
input of up to 3 times its rated capacity before it is fully
cell, may cause the cell
case to crack.
formed. With any of the charging methods given below,
assembling cells to make up a battery, be sure that all
individual cell voltages should be read during the first
cells were constructed by the same manufacturer and
two (2) minutes of charge.
have the same NSN and manufacturers part number.
(1) Constant current method Reject the
To avoid an unbalance in the battery, do not mix cells
battery if any cell is shorted, measures less than 1.0
made by different manufacturers or having different
volt, or has reversed polarity. Very high cell voltage
NSN's to retrofit a battery. Clean and check vent caps
readings, above 1.6 volts, may indicate either dirty or
prior to charging.
loose connections, or a dry cell. If a cell is dry, adding a
small quantity of 31 percent KOH electrolyte will
5-11. Preparing a Battery for Service Containing All
immediately lower the voltage. Bad connections can be
New Cells
checked by comparing the voltage readings taken on
Perform the procedures given in a through f below to
the terminal screws with those taken at the intercell
assembly a battery containing all new cells and prepare
links. The difference should not exceed 0.02 volts with
it for service.
30 amperes flowing or 0.04 volts with 60 amperes
a. Initial Inspection Remove cell packaging
flowing. Cell voltage should also be read during the last
material and perform the following:
(1) Damage. See whether any electrolyte
liquid has spilled into the shipping materials. This may
be the sign of a damaged cell.