C battery section of the U-241/PSM-13. The
4-1. Functioning of TS-1301/PSM-l3
load resistors simulate the battery drain when
they are used in the appropriate radio equip-
The selector switch SIA and SIB contacts on
ment. The voltage-dropping resistor is in series
Test Set, Battery TS-1301/PSM-13 connect
with the meter; together they determine the
the meter across the two pins of the octal plug
ratio of current flow through the meter to the
for each of the four switch positions. The
battery voltage. Because all battery sections
meter connections are reversed to read the
are loaded when the test set is connected,
negative voltage when testing a C section of a
regardless of what section is selected, the
batteries must be disconnected as soon as tesk
4-2. Functioning of Adapter Connectors
ing is completed. The adapter connectors which
have the higher wattage load resistors are cast
in an aluminum filled material for maximum
The adapter connectors have a load resistor for
each battery section to be tested,. except for the
4-3. Troubleshooting procedures
if its items are substituted one by one during
a. The first step in servicing a defective
operational tests on the defective AN/PSM-
battery tester is to locate the component item
or components not functioning properly. An
c. If no shortcut method is available, the
operational test on good batteries is an excel-
troubleshooting chart can be used to suggest
lent test of all the components.
probable corrective action to common troubles.
d. The only electrical corrective action pos-
b. A second AN/PSM-13 can be used on a
sible is to replace the meter; all the other
swapping basis to locate which component is
components are expendable.
d e f e c t i v e . One AN/PSM-13, known to be
4-4. General Support Troubleshooting Chart
Note. The only test equipment required is
Multimeter T
S-352B/U, which is
used to
take continuity and resist-
ance measurements.
Probable trouble
Checks and corrective measures
Trouble symptom
Meter defective ----------Replace meter (para 4-6).
1 ------- No meter reading for any con-
Switch defective ------------- Replace TS-1301/PSM-13
2 -------- No meter reading at one selec-
tor switch position.
Adapter connector defective--- Replace adapter connector.
3-------- No meter reading on one sec-
tion of one adaptor connector.