Probable trouble
Checks and corrective measures
Trouble symptom
4-------------- High meter reading on one sec- Adapter connector defective------- Replace adapter connector.
tion of one adapter connector.
6------------ Erratic meter readings -------- a. Defective meter ----------- a. Replace meter (para 4-5).
b. Poor contacts in selector b. Replace TS-1301/PSM-l3.
c. Clean, straighten, and inspect all
c. Poor contact between adapt-
er connector and TS-
1301/PSM-13 main body,
or battery being tested.
c. Be sure that the new meter has a gasket
4-5. Meter Replacement
on it before proceeding. The gasket is keyed to
a. Remove the four meter mounting screws,
the meter body.
and invert the TS-1301/PSM-13 so that the
d. Solder the red wire to the
left hand ( + )
meter falls into the hand. If gasket adhesion
terminal of a new meter.
holds the meter in place, two long taper wood
screws may be bound into the opposite mount-
e. Solder the black wire to the other ter-
ing holes of the meter; then pull out the meter
by these screws.
f. Remount the meter and tighten the comer
mounting screws.
If the replacement meter does
n o t have a 0 to 10 division
s c a l e , a decal must be affixed
to its face, as shown in
Change 4