TM 9-6140-200-14
d. Vent filler caps (4). (4HN, 2HN, 6TN, 6TL, 6TLFP and 6TMF) Prevents loss of
electrolyte from battery. Contains small pressure activated vent hole to permit
escape of gas pressure.
6TGEL and NBB248 are gelled electrolyte batteries, These
batteries should not be opened for any reason, because it
will damage the battery.
e. Terminal (5). SAE and DIN type tapered lead posts protruding through top of
battery. Positive (+) terminal measures 11/16-inch dia. at top. Negative (-)
terminal measures 5/8-inch dia. at top. Positive and negative clamps fit their
respective terminals on all batteries. Corrugations on side of battery indicate
location of positive terminal.
f. Vent (6). Molded as part of cover. Provides an opening in the top of each
battery cell for adding electrolyte or distilled water (except Gels).
g. Electrolyte Level Mark (7). (4HN, 2HN, 6TMF, 6TN, 6TL, and 6TLFP).
Electrolyte will be no higher than the lower edge of vent. Distilled water or
electrolyte will not be added when fluid level is at or above this mark. If overfull
remove liquid to proper level.
h. Battery Level Indictor (6TMF) next to Positive Post). It identifies level of
electrolyte and/or condition of charge ( if green not shown notify unit
maintenance) they will add distilled water to the proper level (Except Gel
1-7 Performance Data.
Performance data for 4HN (24 Volt), 4HN, 6TN, 6TL, 6TLFP, 6TMF and NBB248 (12
Volts) type batteries operating under normal conditions is provided below.