TM 9-6140-200-14
Battery Disposition and Disposal.
6-1 Purpose and Scope.
This chapter establishes a general procedure for disposition and disposal of
damaged, defective or unserviceable lead-acid batteries. This chapter applies to all
lead-acid batteries used in military equipment managed by the U.S. Army Tank-
automotive and Armaments Command. This chapter does not apply to air shipment of
unserviceable batteries for disposition refer to Air Force Regulation 71-4 and TM 38-
250, "Preparing Hazardous Material For Military Air Shipment". Refer to SB 11-6 for
serviceable batteries.
6-2 General Requirements.
a. This chapter provides solid waste characterization guidance under Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. The guidance and
procedures in this chapter are consistent with US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and Department of Defense (DOD) policy. This chapter will aid
in complying with environmental solid waste requirements. Readers must also
ensure compliance with state regulations in effect when disposing of batteries.
This chapter does not supersede or take precedence over any regulations or
other official directives. If there is a conflict between this chapter and
regulations or DOD directives, you must follow appropriate regulations and
b. Foreign, state and local regulations may be more stringent than the
procedures in this chapter. It is necessary to coordinate with appropriate
officials at your installation/activity to ensure that disposition and disposal
actions comply with existing regulations and policies (see para. e. below).