TM 9-6140-200-14
(3) Do not smoke or eat in battery storage area.
(4) Store batteries separately from other hazardous material.
6-6 Transportation.
Shipment of batteries within the United States over public roads must be IAW Federal
DOT requirements (Title 49 CFR, Part 172.101, Hazardous Material Table (HMT) when
batteries are listed in the HMT. The regulation includes packaging, marking and
labeling requirements.
6-7 Disposition and Disposal.
In Accordance With DOD consolidated Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste Disposal
Guidance, batteries designated as HW for disposal may be disposed of via the local
servicing DRMO. In addition, HW may be disposed via local contract. Disposal of HW
via local contract must be coordinated with and approved by HQDA, Office of the
Directorate of Environmental Programs (ENVR-E), prior to finalization/signature of the
local contract. All disposition/disposal actions must be IAW Federal, State, and Local
regulations and requirements. Coordinate all actions with the local IEO to ensure
proper management of unserviceable batteries.
a. Disposition and Disposal.
(1) For any turn-in of HW (hazardous waste) Profile Sheet (HWPS) DRMS
Form 1930 is required. If a HWPS is required for turn-in of HW. Data from
this chapter may be used in completion of the technical data.
(2) If batteries or battery electrolyte for disposal are managed as HW and you
must transfer/transport the batteries off your installation, you are required
to manifest these waste batteries under title 40 CFR Part 262 regulations.
Consult your local IEO for guidance about manifest requirements.
(3) Batteries designated as HW for disposal, and electrolyte from vented lead-
acid batteries, may be disposed via the local DRMO or via local contract.