TB 11-6135-200-25
Figure 2-3. Battery. I et Primary BA-486A/U or BA-486B/U.
c. To use the above chart, examine the battery
e. The BA-486A/U and BA-486B/U are not
maintained on missile heat until just prior to firing,
card and determine how long the battery was stored
therefore, no distinction is made between shelf life and
between the date of manufacture and the date of
service life. Total allowable life for these batteries is
installation in a missile. This is the expended shelf life of
indefinite, but at least 15 years.
the battery. Locate the shelf life in the shelf life column.
The figure adjacent to it in the service life column is the
amount of service life remaining for the battery. If the
2-4. Reporting of Overaged Batteries
battery was subsequently removed from the missile,
a. Batteries that have passed their allowable shelf
subtract the time it was in the missile (expended service
or service life should be reported on Standard Form 120,
life) from the starting service life (as determined above)
Report of Excess Personal Property. A copy of the
to determine the remaining service life.
Find the
battery record card should be attached and both
expended shelf life adjacent to the remaining service life
in the chart.
Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN:
d. Shelf/service life for the BA-485A/U and BA-
DRSEL-MEMP, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703. Disposition
485B/U are established at 12 years, for any combination
instructions will be returned specifying where to send the
of shelf and service life. This is determined by the
batteries and the method of shipment.
Under no
difference between the date of manufacture and the
circumstances should the batteries be disposed of
current date.
without written instructions from CECOM.