TB 11-6135-200-25
or may not extinguish before the ammeter indicates an
(3) Once the 6-volt monitor lamp extinguishes, it shall
open circuit. If the 6-volt indicator lamp remain on 10
remain off until paragraph r below.
minutes past the time the ammeter indicated an open
(4) Battery temperature reaches 125 F or greater.
circuit, slightly tap or jar the battery. If the 6-volt indicator
r. Allow the battery to cycle for 2 hours after the
does not extinguish, reject the battery as unserviceable.
ammeter initially indicated an open circuit. Record
p. When the 6-volt indicator lamp remains off for
battery temperature and time each instant the ammeter
approximately 10 minutes, record battery temperature
indicates a closed or open circuit.
and time. Allow the heater power to remain on and
s. At the end of the 2-hour cycling period,
record time and battery temperature the instant the
disconnect the 115 vac source and allow the battery to
ammeter indicates open circuit.
cool. Record the battery temperature the instant the 6-
q. The battery is considered unserviceable if: (1)
volt indicator lamp lights. If the battery temperature is
Monitor 6-volt indicator lamp is off at the start of test (a
less than 83 F at this instant, the battery is
slight tap or jar could correct this problem).
(2) Ammeter indicates open circuit at the start of test (a
t. Disconnect the battery from the test circuit and
slight tap or jar could correct this problem).
install the protective cap on J541.