TB 11-6135-200-25
masking tape to secure the materials and to hold the
3-3. Serviceability Test for Battery, Wet Primary BA-
thermometer against the battery case, on the same face
485A/U and BA-485BfU
as the connector.
Serviceability tests should be conducted on new or
g. With the temperature of the battery less than
offthe-shelf batteries before installation in a missile, on
80F, connect the test circuit as shown in figure 3-3 to
all batteries in the missile during regular teardown, and
the battery (with shorting strap across pins C and E).
on all batteries turned in for any reason if they have not
The 6-volt indicator lamp must light (k below).
exceeded their shelf/service life. Inventory stock does
h. Connect the appliance plug to a 115 vac source.
not require testing until time of issue of use. To test the
The ammeter should indicate approximately 3 amperes,
BA-485A/U or BA-485B/U, use the procedures in a
(k below).
through o below. If any of the conditions of these tests
i. The 6-volt indicator lamp shall glow steadily, as
are not met, the battery must be considered as
the battery temperature rises. The 6-volt indicator lamp
may or may not extinguish before the ammeter indicates
the disposition of unserviceable batteries.
an open circuit. If the 6-volt indicator lamp remains on
30 minutes past the time the ammeter indicated an open
a. Set the AN/USM-223 to the 50 volt dc scale and
circuit, slightly tap or jar the battery. If the 6-volt indicator
measure the potential between the positive (+) and
does not extinguish, the battery is unserviceable.
negative (-) terminals posts. The potential must be 0
j. When the 6-volt monitor lamp remains off for
approximately 10 minutes, record battery temperature
b. Set the AN/USM-223 to the R x 10,000
and time. Allow heater power to remain on and record
time and battery temperature the instant the ammeter
the battery case and each of the exposed pins in
indicates an open circuit.
connector J544 (pins A through J), and the + and
k. The battery is considered unserviceable if: (1)
terminal posts. The resistance for each must be infinity.
Monitor 6-volt indicator lamp is off at the start of test (a
c. Mount connector P544 on connector J544 (with
slight tap or jar could correct this problem).
the shorting strap between pins C and E). Set the
AN/USM-223 to the R x 10,000 range and measure the
(2) Ammeter indicates open circuit at the start of test (a
resistance between the + and terminal posts, and
slight tap or jar could correct this problem).
between pins A and G, pins D and F, pins D and J, and
pins F and J. The resistance for each reading must be
(3) Once the 6-volt monitor lamp extinguishes, it shall
remain off until paragraph n below.
d. Set the AN/USM-223 to the R x 10 range and
(4) Battery temperature reaches 125F. or greater.
resistance must be between 45 and 65 ohms.
I. The ammeter can indicate a partial open circuit
(I /2 amperes) for a period of time, then a complete
Perform the following tests as quickly
open circuit as the temperature rises (record
as practicable, and with a low current
temperature and time).
ohmmeter. Use the AN/USM-223 if it
m. Allow the battery to cycle for 21/2 hours after the
is available. If the AN/USM-223 is not
ammeter initially indicated an open circuit. Record
battery temperature and time each instant the ammeter
applies less than 10 milliamperes.
indicates a closed or open circuit.
(The current output of Test Set,
n. At the end of the 2/2 hour cycling period,
Arming Mechanism (8020264) is 9
disconnect the 115 vac source and allow the battery to
milliamperes maximum.) DO NOT use
cool. Record the battery temperature the instant the 6-
the TS-352B/U for this test.
volt indicator lamp lights. If the battery temperature is
less than 83 F at this instant the battery is
e. Remove the mating plug P544 from connector
J544 and measure the resistance between pins C and E.
Do not prolong this test. The resistance must be
o. Disconnect battery from test circuit and install
between 20 and 35 ohms.
Mating Connector P544 (NSN 5935-00-539-2230) on
f. Construct a temperature chamber using the
battery connector.
packing materials supplied with the battery, and the