TB 11-6135-200-25
k. Close switch and apply voltage for 3 seconds
(2) If the battery failed during bench test, was it after TB
11-6135-200-25 removal from a missile or after shelf
safe position).
storage? (3) Detail the periods of shelf storage and in-
l. Open switch and remove the power source from
missile installation.
J1-C and J1-A.
(4) A copy of battery record power shall be forwarded
m. Using the AN/USM-223 measure for a
with disposition request for each battery, as cited in
resistance between J1-E and J1-F, resistance shall be
paragraph 2-3a.
less than I ohm, if not, battery is unserviceable.
(5) If the battery was in storage, detail the type of storage
including storage temperature and environment.
d. For unserviceable batteries less than 1 year old (as
3-5. Disposition of Unserviceable Batteries BA-
indicated on the battery nameplate), fill out and forward
472/U, BA-485/U, BA-486/U and BA.487/U
AMC Form 1229 (Unserviceable Materiel Report) to
a. Batteries covered in this bulletin are of the zinc-
silver oxide type and contain significant amounts of
Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN: DRSEL-PA, Fort
recoverable precious metals.
Monmouth, NJ 07703. Include a copy of the completed
b. Disposition of thermal batteries shall all be
battery record form with the AMC for 1229.
accomplished only under direction of CECOM in
e. For unserviceable batteries more than 1 year old, fill
accordance with instruction cited below: Unserviceable
out and forward DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request)
batteries must be reported to CECOM. Upon receipt of
and a copy of the battery record form to Commander, US
the report, CECOM will forward disposition instructions
within 30 days.
Monmouth, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-S, Fort Monmouth, NJ
c. The technician performing the serviceability test
must be explicit in the report of failure on the battery
f. Disposition instructions will be forwarded by CECOM
record form and include the following information: (1)
within 30 days of receipt of the AMC Form 1229 or DA
Whether the battery initially failed while it was in a
Form 2407. No disposition of the battery may be made
missile, and what was the indication of failure.
before receipt of the instructions from CECOM.
BA-486A/U, AND BA-487/U
specification. The boxed batteries shall be placed in a
4-1. Battery, Wet, Primary BA-472C/U
barrier bag fabricated of material conforming to L-P-378,
a. Preservation and Packaging. Preservation and
type I, grade B, finish I, having a uniform thickness of 4.0
packaging shall be levels A, B or C, as specified.
0.5 mils. Closure of the bag shall be by heat seal. The
(1) Level A.
bagged batteries shall be placed in a close-fitting
(a) Cleaning. Shall be in accordance with process C-l of
paperboard box conforming to MIL-B-43014, or a close-
fitting fiberboard box conforming to PPP-B-636, grade
(b.) Drying. Drying shall be accomplished in accordance
W6c or W5c, style optional.
Close the box in
with the applicable procedures of MIL-P-116.
accordance with the appendix to the applicable box
(c) Preservation application. None required.
(d.) Prepackaging. Batteries unit packaged in quantities
(f.) Terminal protection. Any protruding battery terminal
greater than one each shall be individually placed in
shall be protected by means of pads of corrugated
polyethylene bag fabricated of material conforming to L-
fiberboard conforming to PPP-F-320, type CF, class
O-378, type 1, grade B, finish I, having a maximum
domestic, variety SW. In case of protruding bare metal
thickness of 2.0 mils. Closure of the bag shall be by heat
terminals not protected by insulation, the corrugated
fiberboard pads shall be wax treated or protected by
(e) Unit packaging. Batteries in the quantities specified
other equivalent insulating materials to prevent the bare
in the chart given in b below, of the same type and date
metal terminals from contacting either the carton on
of manufacture shall be packaged in accordance with
unimpregnated fiberboard pads.
Flat surface type
method IC-2 of MIL-P-116. Batteries shall be placed in a
terminals will be protected by a wax treated chipboard
close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-566, variety I, or a
pad covering the area of the unit carton or by wax
close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-636, type CF,
treating exterior surfaces of the unit carton.
class domestic, style optional. Closure shall be as
specified in the appendix of the applicable box