TB 11-6135-200-25
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Figure 4-1. Typical Packaging Diagram For BA-485A/U.
(c) Preservation (1l)plic(ation. None required.
4-3. Battery, Wet, Primary BA-486A/U
(d) Unit packaging. Each Battery BA-486A/U
a. Preservation and Packaging. Preservation and
shall be packaged in accordance with items I through 5
packaging shall be level A or C, as specified.
of the chart in paragraph b and figure 2-2.
(1) Level A
(e) Battery BA-486A/U shall be packed in
(a) Cleaning Battery BA-486A/U shall bce
accordance with items 6,7, 8 of figure 4-2 and the chart
cleaned in accordance with process C-I of MIL-P-116.
in b below. The box closure shall be in accordance with
(b) Drying. Battery BA-486A/LI shall be dried
the appendix of the box specification.
in accordance with the applicable procedure of MIL-P-I