TB 11-6135-200-25
b. Electrical Test.
(f) The plated exterior of the battery case shall not be
(1) Voltage Potential. Using a voltmeter (0-50 vdc)
blistered, chipped, scaled, dented and must be free from
all surface defects.
measure for a voltage potential between the positive (+ )
(g) Battery connector pins for signs of corrosion, missing
and negative (-) battery terminals, potential shall be zero.
Reduce the voltage range (0-0.5 vdc or lower) and
(h) Examine all grommets for cracks, holes, tears, etc.,
measure for a voltage potential, the potential shall be
note all observations.
(I) Poorly seated primer.
(2) Squib Resistance. Using an ignition circuit tester
(j) Primer with a fold, wrinkle, scratch, scale, dents or
(Allegheny Instrument, Model #101-5A or approved
other injurious surface defect.
equal), measure the resistance of each Squib circuit
b. Insulation Resistance. The insulation resistance of
between the terminals listed below, the resistance shall
the battery shall be greater than 10 megohms, when
be 1.3 ohms +0.15 ohms.
Squib Circuit Terminal
applying 500 20 vdc and limiting the current to 5
milliamperes, between each of the battery terminal
1.3 +0.15 ohms
contacts and battery case. Potential shall be applied to
1.3 0.15 ohms
each test circuit for a maximum of 5 minutes. The
c. Insulation Resistance.
This test shall be
insulation resistance shall not be less than 20 megohms.
conducted in three parts, utilizing a 500 vdc
Record all measurements.
(1) First Part. All battery terminals (Squib and output)
shall be connected to one common connection point.
6-3. Serviceability Test for Battery, Dry Thermal BA-
Apply 500 vdc positve (+ ) potential to be ganged
connection point and teh negative ( ) potential to the
a. Visual Inspection. Inspect for the following:
battery case, for a minimum of 15 seconds. The
(1) Loose or cracked terminals.
insulation resistance should exceed 5 megohms.
(2) Corroded or bent terminals.
(2) Second Part. Apply 500 vdc for a minimum of 5
(3) Foreign substances which prevent good electrical
seconds between the battery positive (+) and negative (-)
contact or interfere with the movement of the striker.
output terminals.
The insulation resistance should
(4) Poorly seated primer, dents or surface defects.
exceed 5 megohms.
(5) Striker with a fold, wrinkle, dent or other surface
(3) Third Part. Apply 500 vdc positive (+) potential to
battery output terminals and negative ( ) potential to all
(6) Corrosion of case or connector. Note and report all
Squib terminals for a minimum of 5 seconds. The
imperfections and the serial number of the battery.
insulation resistance shall be 5 megohms, minimum.
b. Electrical Test.
Repeat b above.
(1) Using a voltmeter on the 0-25 vdc range, measure
the potential across the positive (+) and negative (-)
6-2. Serviceability Test for Battery, Dry Thermal BA-
terminals. The potential must be zero.
(2) Reduce the voltmeter range to 0-0.5 or lower and
measure the potential. The potential must be zero.
a. Visual and Mechanical Inspection.
(3) Measure the insulation resistance between each
(1) Weight The battery weight shall not exceed 150
terminal and the case, applying 500 20 vdc, foi I minute
maximum. The insulation resistance must be at least
(2) Batteries, materials and component parts shall be
100 megohms.
Current shall be limited to 5
inspected to verify that the materials, component parts
and construction are in accordance with applicable
specifications. If any of the imperfections as listed below
6-4. Serviceability Test for Battery, Dry Thermal BA-
exist, the battery will be considered defective. However,
the battery should be activated (if possible) after properly
annotating the specific failures to requirements specified.
a. Visual and Mechanical Inspection. Batteries,
(a) Loose or cracked terminals seals. Crazed terminals
materiels and component parts shall he inspected to
are acceptable if they have successfully passed the leak
verily that the materiels, component parts and
construction are in accordance with applicable speci
(b) Corroded or bent terminals.
fications. I' any of the imperfections as listed below exist,
(c) Foreign substances which prevent good electrical
the battery will be considered defective.
(1) Loose or cracked terminal seals.
(d) Cases which are welded poorly, cracked or TB 11-
(2) Corroded or bent terminals.
6135-200-25 have pinholes.
(e) Nonconformance of labels and markings.