TM 11-6130-413-12
decomposition are toxic and imitating. Since
Adequate ventilation should be provided
solves natural oils, prolonged contact with
skin should be avoided. When necessary, use
ETHANE. Prolonged breathing of vapor
gloves which the solvent cannot penetrate. If
should be avoided. The solvent should not be
the solvent is taken internally, consult a phy-
used near heat or open flame; the products of
sician immediately.
circuit, turn the Discharge AMP HR control to zero,
4-8. Troubleshooting Procedures
press START, and then set the desired discharge cur-
The responsibilities- of the organizational repairman
rent. Return the control to the original position. Since
are limited to correction of equipment failures which
the Discharge AMP HR switch will be in the 17-31
can be remedied by replacement of a defective cable as-
position, the range of adjustment will be approximate-
sembly, fuse or knob. All other maintenance proced-
ly 17 to 31 amperes. Press RESET and disconnect the
ures relating to test, repair or overhaul are to be ac-
charged battery. Connect the discharged battery and
complished at a higher category of maintenance. To
turn the Charge 1 timer cw until the FAIL light goes
determine the condition of the charger/analyzer when
off, then turn the timer back until the timer switch
installing initially, reinstalling after repair, or when
clicks. Now press START. The current should remain
equipment is maintained in a standby condition, per-
at set point, and the battery voltage will drop below
form the procedure below:
.95 volts per cell after a few minutes of discharge, the
a. Functional Test. Two serviceable batteries are re-
time depending on the remaining charge in the bat-
quired, preferable in the range of 30-40AH capacity.
tery. Since 1 hour has not passed, the FAIL light
One should be nearly discharged, the other charged.
should come on at this point, and the RUN light go off.
The unit should stop. This verifies the FAIL logic.
Make sure that charger/analyzer is in RESET
Press RESET, disconnect the discharged battery and
before disconnecting and reconnecting bat-
connect the charged battery. Turn the Charge 1 timer
teries. Do not connect a battery when the
cw until the FAIL light goes off, then turn the timer
RUN light is on.
back until the timer switch clicks. The unit will return
(1) Set up the charger/analyzer for automatic
to Discharge. Slowly turn the Discharge timer ccw to
operation, Phases 3, 4, 5. (Procedure is in para 3-3.)
the 2-hour mark. When it reaches that point, the
Connect the discharged battery and start the unit. The
Charge 2 light should come on and the Discharge light
ammeter will deflect to nearly full scale for between .4
go off. The green PASS light will come on as charging
and .75 seconds, then return to zero. It will repeat this
every second (slightly longer at 50 Hz). Move the
(3) Turn this Charge 2 timer slowly ccw until the
Charge AMP HR control to higher and lower settings.
switch clicks. At that point the Charge 2 and RUN
The charging pulse will be longer at higher settings,
lights will go off, charging stops, and the PASS light
shorter at low settings. Return the setting to the prop-
remains on. This concludes the check of the automatic
er position for the battery used. Let the unit charge for
modes of operation, Phases 3,4,5.
a few minutes, then press RESET and disconnect the
(4) Disconnect the charged battery and reconnect
discharged battery. Connect the charged battery and
the discharged battery. Set up the charger/analyzer for
press START. The unit should charge, but as the volt-
Manual Discharge (para. 3-3). Allow the unit to run
age rises to 28.5 vdc between pulses, the charge cur-
until the battery voltage is below .95 volts per cell.
rent will drop to an indicated 50-70 amperes and the
This verifies correct operation of the Manual Dis-
time of the charging pulse will drop to a fraction of the
charge circuit (EOD disabled in this mode of opera-
previous time, roughly a tenth of a second. (The time it
takes to go to the lower charge rate will depend on the
b. Battery Cable Assembly. The battery cable as-
state of charge of the battery). Turn the Charge 1 tim-
sembly interconnects the battery under charge/test
er by hand to the l-hour mark. The unit will switch au-
with the equipment via a two-pin MS-type connector,
tomatically to Discharge, the Charge 1 light will go
J3; and heavy-duty battery cables. Inspect the connec-
off, and the Discharge light will go on.
tor for general appearance and tightness of contacts.
(2) Observe that the discharge current is constant.
Check battery (+) and (-) contracts for corrosion and
Move the Discharge AMP HR control to higher and
sand lightly with No. 000 sandpaper, if necessary.
lower settings to verify that the current can be control-
Check cables for frayed wiring or loose connecters
led. When the discharge setting is too high, an internal
Note that defective contacts are usually indicated by
sensor will trip out the discharge circuit. To reset this
arcing or overheating.