TM 11-6140-203-14-3
one-half hour or more than 2 hours. Remove the filler caps and check the electrolyte level following the instructions
contained in paragraph 4-9. If the electrolyte level requires adjustment refer to higher category of maintenance.
Perform the electrical leakage test following the instructions contained in paragraph 4-10. If the leakage cur-
rent indication is less than 30 milliamperes (ma), the battery passes the electrical leakage test. If the indication is more than
30 ma, remove the battery from the vehicle and clean it as specified in paragraph 4-7. Repeat the electrical leakage test. If
the battery still fails to pass the test, refer the problem to higher category of maintenance.
A battery which passes the electrical leakage test after cleaning, should be placed on charge until the charging
current is 5 amperes or less.
4-6. Visual Inspection
Many causes of battery failure may be detected by visual inspection. Because the battery cannot be disassembled by
organizational maintenance personnel, visual inspection is limited to observing the assembled battery. Visual inspection is
accomplished as follows:
Damage. Release the snap fasteners, remove the cover, and check the battery as indicated in (1) through (7) below.
(1) Battery case or cover scratched or dented.
(2) Battery case liners or cover gasket loose or damaged.
(3) Cell terminal or terminal screws bent or broken.
(4) Cell cases cracked.
(5) Filler cap warped or cracked.
(6) Connector bent or broken.
If electrolyte appears on tops of cells, check setting of charging voltage, paragraph 4-5a, and perform leakage test,
(7) Tops of cell cases and caps for presence of electrolyte.
Improper Installation. Check the battery for improper installation as indicated in (1) and (2) below.
(1) Filler cap improperly seated.
(2) Loose terminal screws, battery terminal links, or connector.
Loose Connections. Check for loose connections as listed below.
Battery terminal links between cells.
Battery terminal links between cells and receptacle.
Electrolyte Leakage. If electrolyte leakage is present in the battery and is not the result of an improperly
installed filler cap or spillage, a cell case is probably cracked check for cracked cell cases (tops). In any case of electrolyte
leakage, higher maintenance category repair is required.
Corrosion or Deposits. Corrosion or white potassium carbonate deposits are caused by gassing and
bubbling of electrolyte through the vent valves on the fillercaps. Check for either as follows:
(1) Check the top of the cell cases, cell terminals, battery terminal links, and fillercaps.
(2) Check the battery case and cover.
4-7. Cleaning
Do not attempt to clean the nickel-cadmium battery with solvents, adds or any chemical cleaner; damage
to the cells, gaskets, and the liner may result. DO NOT disassemble the battery; clean only those parts
that can be reached without disassembly.
Potassium carbonate deposits in the dry state are nonconductive and when in contact with nickel- or nickel-
plated material is noncorrosive. When moisture is added to the powder, which occurs with drastic humidity
changes, an electrical leakage path is established. Also, if the potassium carbonate comes in contact with
copper, which could occur if the nickel-plating is scratched, corrosion will set in. For these reasons, the battery
must be carefully cleaned and kept free of potassium carbonate deposits.
Release the snap fasteners, as necessary, and remove the cover from the battery case.
Brush any deposits from the cell tops and intercell connectors with a nylon brush. DO NOT use a
wire brush. Wipe off the loosened deposits.
Wipe the battery case with a clean lint-free cloth (use item 1, app E).
If electrolyte is spilled on the cells or in the battery (between the cells), clean the battery without disassembly as follows:
(1) Secure the fillercaps on the cells.
(2) Set the battery on a clean surface, remote from any contaminants.
(3) Thoroughly wash the tops of the cells with distilled water. (if distilled water is not available, use drinking water.)
(4) After washing the tops of the cells, lay the battery on its side and raise the bottom of the
battery a few inches to allow drainage of the excess water from between the cells.
To be usable for cleaning, the compressed air source must limit the nozzle pressure to no more than 29
pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG). Goggles must be worn at all times while cleaning with
compressed air.
(5) Allow the battery to remain in this position until dry. Compressed air may be used to speed the
drying process, if available.
Clean the fillercaps as follows:
(1) Use the fillercap wrench to turn each fillercap one-fourth turn counterclockwise and remove
each fillercap from its cell.