TM 9-6140-200-14
To preventdamage to cable clamps, battery or
battery posts, do not twist clamps with pliers to
check tightness.
(I) Tighten connection and check for tightness. Use the two finger method
to check tightness.
(m) Final check. Refer to the equipment -20 technical manual (unit
maintenance) for procedures on battery installation and final check of
cable connections. Pay particular attention to any procedures concerning
the matching of the positive (+) cable to the positive post of the battery.
(n) Vehicle/equipment fitted with ammeters. Turn on equipment lighting
system and check that ammeter deflects to the minus (-) or discharge end
of ammeter scale. If ammeter shows a discharge, hookup of batteries is
correct for proper polarity. Apply a light coat of GAA or silicone (RTV)
(Item 10 or Item 15, Appx. C) on clamps and terminals. Wipe off excess
(o) Make ground connection. Clean ground cable, ground cable mounting bolt
and ground connection on equipment as required before making ground
connection. Make sure area is free from dirt, paint and corrosion. Install
mounting bolt and nut. Hold head of bolt with one wrench and tighten nut
with the another wrench. Tighten nut little until connection is secure.
(p) Complete battery installation. Check that rubber grommets are in place
around cables to prevent cables from being cut or otherwise damaged in
holes. Install battery terminal lug covers, (Item 5, Appx. C) over battery
posts to prevent battery cover-to-terminal lug contact (See Figure 3-16).
Figure 3-16