TM 9-6140-200-14
1. Charge battery for 2 1/2 hours (required). Follow battery charger
instructions for proper connection.
2. Allow battery to stand for at least 2 hours (preferably 24 hours) after
charging, then check battery specific gravity and/or voltage. If within limits
(as specified below), issue for use.
(a) Voltage 12.5 volts or higher by using the hand held battery tester.
(b) Temperature corrected specific gravity reading 1.230 or higher by
using the optical tester.
(c) Temperature corrected specific gravity reading 1.260 or higher by
using the a hydrometer.
3. If battery is not within limits listed above, continue (re)charging and check
battery at 30 minutes intervals until voltage or specific gravity remains
4. If the battery still fails to reach the required minimum values after a total of
five (5) hours of charging, it is defective and must be turned in or disposed
of according to local procedures.
After the battery has been charged for the first time DO NOT add
electrolyte, Add distilled water only to bring level to the bottom
of the cell opening.
5. After charging and testing battery for issue, clean battery with baking soda
and water.
6. For recharging and maintaining the battery after activation, use this
manual for instructions.