TM 9-6140-200-14
4-6. Battery Specific Gravity Differences.
State of charge as indicated by specific gravity when discharged at reserve
capacity rate.
Specific Gravity Cold
State of Charge*
Temperature Climates
Fully Charged
75% Charged
50% Charged
25% Charged
4-7 Allowable Difference Between Cells.
If a fully charged battery shows a difference of more than 0.025 specific Gravity
between any two cells, the battery is unserviceable.
4-8 Storage of Wet-Charged Batteries.
a. Preparations for Storage. The electrolyte level for fully charged batteries of
standard construction is approximately 3/8 inch above the top of each cell
separator (level ring in battery) when the battery temperature is 80 degrees
Fahrenheit. In very cold batteries, the electrolyte level will be lower than normal.
Cold batteries should be allowed to warm up before electrolyte level is checked.
Batteries to be stored will be fully charged to the rate specified in paragraph 4-6
before storage.
b. Rotation of Stored Batteries.
(1) New batteries should be stored in a manner which will allow the oldest
batteries stored to be placed into service first. A battery will discharge at a
slow rate during storage and may require a charge before being placed into
service. Store batteries so that they can be reached for charging without
moving more recently stored units.
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