TM 11-6130-236-12
Section I.
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfac-
This manual describes Charger, Battery PP-
tory Equipment. Use equipment forms and
1451/G (fig. 1-1) and provides instruction for
records in accordance with instructions in TM
installation, operation and operator and organ-
izational maintenance. It includes instructions
for cleaning and inspection of the equipment
b. Reporting of Damaged or Improper Ship-
and replacement of parts available to the op-
ment. Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Re-
erator and organizational repairman. Charger,
port of Damaged or Improper Shipment) as
Battery PP-1451/G is referred to as battery
prescribed in AR 700-58 (Army), NAVSANDA
Charger in this manual.
Publication 378 (Navy), and AFR 71-4 (Air
1-2. Index of
Equipment Publications
c. Reporting of Equipment Manual Improve-
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 810-4
ments. The direct reporting of errors, omis-
to determine whether there are new editions,
sions, and recommendations for improving this
changes, or additional publication pertaining
equipment manual by the individual user, is
to your equipment. Department of the Army
authorized and encouraged. DA Form 2028
P a m p h l e t No. 810-4 is a current index of
will be used for reporting these improvements.
technical manuals, technical bulletins, supply
This form may be completed using pencil, pen,
manuals, supply catalogs, supply bulletins,
or typewriter. DA Form 2028 will be com-
lubrication orders, and modification work or-
pleted by the individual using the manual and
d e r s available through publication supply
f o r w a r d e d direct to Commanding General,
channels. The index lists the individual parts
U . S. Army Electronic Command, ATTN:
(-10, -20, -35P, etc) and the latest changes
A M S E L - M R - ( N M P ) - M A , Fort Monmouth,
and revisions of each equipment publication.
New Jersey 07703.
Phase . . . . . . . . . . . Single.
Current (full
Charger, Battery PP-1451/G converts 115 or
230 volts alternating current (ac) to direct cur-
load) . . . . . . . . . . 50 amperes for 115-volt
rent (dc) at a selected regulated voltage. The
ac input power or 25
battery charger provides a source of dc to
amperes for 230-volt
power communication equipment or to charge
ac input.
lead acid and nickel cadmium storage batteries.
Power output:
1-5. Technical Characteristics
Voltage . . . . . . . . . . Variable from 26 to 30
volts dc (28-volt op-
Power input:
e r a t i o n ) or variable
Voltage . . . . . . .115 volts or 230 volts, at
from 52 to 60 volts dc
50, 60, or 400 cycles
(56-volt operation).
per second.