been damaged, report the damage on DD Form
6 (para 1-3).
a. Packaging Data. When packed for ship-
b. See that the equipment is complete as
ment, Charger, Battery PP-1451/G is packed
listed on the packing slip. If a packing slip is
in a 33- by 32- by 32-inch wooden box. A
not available, check the equipment against the
typical wooden box and its contents are shown
crepancies in accordance with TM 38-750.
and the total weight is 327 pounds.
Shortage of a minor assembly or part that does
b. Removing Contents.
not affect proper functioning of the equipment
(1) Remove the nails from the top and one
should not prevent use of the equipment.
side of the wooden box with a nail-
puller. Remove the top and side.
c. If the equipment has been used or recon-
(2) Remove the four bolts that fasten the
ditioned, see whether it has been changed by a
battery charger to the bottom of the
modification work order (MWO). If the equip-
wooden box.
ment has been modified, the MWO number will
(3) Tilt the wooden box toward the open
appear on the front panel near the nomencla-
side and slide the wooden box free
ture plate. If modified, see that any operational
from the battery charger.
instruction changes resulting from the modifi-
(4) Remove the wrapping paper from the
cation have been entered in the equipment
battery charger.
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
Note: Current MWO's applicable to the equipment
are listed in DA Pam 310-4.
a. Inspect the equipment for damage in-
curred during shipment. If the equipment has