TM 1 -6130-381-14
2-6. Battery Charging Procedures
and the CHARGE OFF indicator light beneath
TEST METER (A) illuminate
a Starting Procedure.
(2) Push the RESET (A) switch down and
(1) Press the button on the pressure relief
hold it depressed for about 4 seconds to start the
battery charging. Check to see that the battery A
(2) Release the cover latches, and open the
CHARGE ON indicator light illuminate, and that
cover of the battery charger. Figure 1-1 shows the
TEST METER (A) indicates approximately 6
equipment in its normal operating condition for
amperes. The battery is now being charged at
charging batteries.
approximated y 6 amperes. The battery will con-
(3) Set the AC POWER switch to OFF.
tinue to be charged at approximately 6 amperes
until the battery charging voltage reaches 8.1
Before operating the battery charger, be
0. 1 volts. If the voltage-sensing circuit cuts off
sure that the SELECTOR SWITCH is set
the battery-charging current immediately after
to the correct input ac supply voltage
release of the RESET (A) switch, depress the
position (115 V is visible above the switch
RESET (A) switch again and hold it down for 4
guard for 115-volt ac operation or 230 V is
seconds, or more. If the battery-charging current
visible below the switch guard for 230-volt
is again cut off, the battery is at full charge and
the battery charger will not provide any additional
Failure to set the SELECTOR switch to
charge .
the appropriate voltage setting will result
in equipment damage when power is turned
(3) When the battery is fully charged, the
battery A CHARGE OFF indicator light will
illuminate as the CHARGE ON indicator light
(4) For 115-volt, 60 Hz operation, connect the
extinguishes; TEST METER (A) will also indicate
AC POWER INPUT cable connector directly to
zero ampere at this time.
the input power source receptacle. For 115-volt,
400 Hz or 230-volt operation, connect the AC
If the battery charger and the input power
POWER INPUT cable connector to receptacle
source are left unattended for long periods
J6301 of the 230 vac conversion assembly located
of time and the input power source fails,
flexible insulated cable (14 gauge or "larger) be-
the green CHARGE ON indicator lights
will be out. When power is restored, the
tween the 230-volt power source and the binding
blue CHARGE OFF indicator lights will be
posts of the conversion assembly.
on, indicating that batteries are fully
charged when they actually are not. Press
Be sure to connect GRD binding post of
the RESET (A) (B) switches and hold
the 230 vac conversion assembly to a
them down for 4 seconds, or more. If the
suitable ground at the power source to
blue CHARGE OFF indicator l i g h t s
avoid damage to the equipment.
i l l u m i n a t e when the RESET (A) a n d
(5) If two batteries are to be charged, connect
RESET (B) switches are released, batteries
the cable of one battery to BATTERY (A) con-
are fully charged. If the green CHARGE
nector and the other cable of the other battery to
ON indicator lights illumina, batteries
BATTERY (B) connector. If only one battery is to
require m o r e charging. Continue the
be charged, connect the cable from the battery to
e i t h e r the BATTERY (A) or BATTERY (B)
charging process until the charging current
connector, and use the corresponding controls and
automatically cuts off.
c. Stopping Procedure.
b. Charging Operating Procedure.
(1) Set the AC POWER switch to OFF.
(2) Disconnect the cable connector of the
battery being charged from the battery charger.
This procedure describes the charging of
o n e battery that is connected to the
(3) Disconnect the AC POWER INPUT cable
BATTERY (A) connector. The procedure is
connector plug from the input power source
identical with a battery connected to the
receptacle and secure the able and connector in
BATTERY (B) connector, except that
the rover of the battery charger.
BATT'ERY (B) controls and indicators will
(4) Disconnect, if used, all wiring to the 230
vac conversion assembly.
be used.
(1) Set the AC POWER switch to ON, and
(5) Close and latch the cover of the battery
check to see that the POWER ON indicator light