TM 11-6130-392-34
Figure 3-8. Charging Module (Assemblies A6 - A10) Terminal and Test Point Locations
POWER to OFF. Go to step k.
send battery charger to next higher maintenance
k. Connect oscilloscope probe to A11-TP5, and
(2) If all fuses are faulty; replace F1 (fig. 2-2)
control to trigger internally from a positive 10 VDC
only and set CHANNEL SELECT switch to 1.
f. S e t P O W E R t o O N . P r e s s S T A R T T I M E
l. S e t P O W E R t o O N . P r e s s S T A R T T I M E
switch. Check panel meter.
switch. Waveform will show on oscilloscope each
( 1 ) If panel meter shows current flow; set
time START TIME switch is pressed. Press START
POWER to OFF, replace fuses F2 through F5 (fig.
TIME a few times; check waveform, to be same as
(2) If panel meter shows no current flow; dis-
c o n t i n u e testing, s e n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r t o n e x t
set POWER to OFF, replace A11 (refer to Section
higher maintenance level.
g. Set POWER to OFF. Remove multimeter posi-
tive (+) lead from A9-TP4. Remove extender board,
set POWER to OFF, remove probe from A11-TP5.
m. Remove extender board. Return A11 power
j. S e t P O W E R t o O N . P r e s s S T A R T T I M E
extender board. Connect return lead to pin 36. Set
POWER to ON; press START TIME switch, check
(1) If meter reading is 7.0 VDC or more; dis-
c o n t i n u e testing, s e n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r t o n e x t
o s c i l l o s c o p e waveform (fig. 3-5). Press START
higher maintenance level.
TIME switch a few times. Compare waveform on
(2) If meter reading is less than 7.0 VDC: set