TM 11-6130-392-34
Table 4-2. Tools and Materials
Stock No.
Tool kit, Electronic Equipment TK-105/G . . . . . . . . . . .
Heat shrink sleeving installed over some connections . .
Heat Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cover exposed terminals and allow to cure. (Curing
Staking compound, blue SM-B-739574 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
time 24 hours)
Staking compound, red SM-A-852514. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cover exposed terminals and allow to cure. (Curing
time 24 hours)
Special, fault isolation of charging modules (A6 through
Extender board, testing (23 pin) SM-D-889125. . . . . . . .
A10) and power supply assembly (A11)
Extender board, testing (41 pin) SM-D-889122. . . . . . . .
Special, fault isolation of timing circuit assembly
4-9. Use of Equipment and Special
This section contains instructions for trouble-
a. Refer to
direct support maintenance, Chapter
shooting the Battery Charger PP-7286/U. General
support personnel will replace and repair compo-
settings in text, F = Function, R = Range. For con-
Replacement and repair procedures are included in
tinuity checks, set Function to Ω (ohms) and Range
Section IV. Test procedures for GS use, after replac-
to 200 Ω (ohms). Reading should be less than 0.2
ing or repairing a component, are included in Sec-
battery charger.
4 - 1 0 . Bat t e r y C h a r g e r , P r e p a r a t i o n
for Testing
4-8. Troubleshooting Test Sequence
Refer to direct support maintenance, Chapter 3, sec-
a. Visual inspection. Before performing tests,
visually inspect the battery charger to find faults
4-11. Troubleshooting Test Procedure
that experienced and trained GS personnel usually
in the sequence listed in column 1 to troubleshoot
b. Test sequence. The test sequence for trouble-
Battery Charger PP-7286/U.
shooting the battery charger and isolating faulty
b. From a malfunction indication in column 2,
components, is:
follow instruction or reference in column 3 to isolate
( 1 ) Perform the troubleshooting test proce-
faults and make required corrections.
(2) Perform fault isolation test procedures con-
When a column 3 instruction in table 4-3 re-
quires finding and correcting an open cir-
cuit; resoldering or replacing a wire lead is
(3) Test the battery charger, after replacing or
a general repair authorized and to be per-
repairing a faulty component, by using test proce-
formed by GS personnel.
dure listed in Section V.
c. Test point locations.
If meter needle pegs during any step of
(1) Refer to direct support maintenance
following table, quickly set POWER switch
to OFF and perform instruction in column 3
(2) Additional illustrations are provided and
of step (4).
referenced in text.