TM 11-6130-392-34
Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Test Procedures Continued
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Test Procedure
Malfunction Indication
Reference or Instruction
(6) Set CHANNEL SELECT to 1. Adjust
a. No channel can be adjusted for 50 mA,
channel 1 CURRENT SET and FINE
but all channels have a reading of
ADJ for panel meter reading of 50
greater than 2 mA.
mA. Repeat for channels 2, 3, 4 and 5.
b. At least one channel can be adjusted for
b. Replace
50 mA and all channels have a reading
Check panel meter reading.
R5 if CH1 is bad
of greater than 2 mA.
R6 if CH 2 is bad
R7 if CH 3 is bad
R8 if CH 4 is bad
R9 if CH 5 is bad
c. At least one but not all channels have a
c. Replace T1, charging board(s) of bad
reading of less than 2 mA and voltage
channel(s) and fuse(s) of bad channel(s)
at A11-TP7 is > 100 VDC.
d. Send to depot for repair
d. At least one but not all channels has a
reading of less than 2 mA and voltage
at A11-TP7 is < 100 VDC.
e. All channels have a reading of less than
2 mA.
(1) Voltage at A6-TP2 is greater than
(1) Replace T1, A6-A10 and F1-F5.
100 VDC.
(2) Voltage at A6-TP2 is less than 20
(3) Voltage at A6-TP4 is greater than 7
VDC and fuses F1 through F5 are
(4) Voltage at A6-TP4 is greater than 7
VDC and fuses F1 through F5 are
good ,
(5) Find open between XA10-22 and
(5) Voltage at A6-TP4 is less than 7
VDC and voltage at A11-TP2 is
greater than 7 VDC.
(6) Find open between XA11-6 and
(6) Voltage at A6-TP4 is less than 7
VDC and voltage at A11-TP2 is less
(7) Set all CURRENT SET switches to
than 7 VDC.
200 mA position. Set all FINE ADJ
a. Each channel shows more than 50 mA
c o n t r o l s fully counterclockwise.
Rotate CHANNEL SELECT to each
b. Replace
b. At least one channel, but not all, reads
of 5 channels. Check current reading;
R5 if CH 1 50 mA
more than 50 mA.
to be less than or equal to 50 mA each
R6 if CH 2 50mA
of 5 channels.
R7 if CH 3 50mA
R8 if CH 4 50mA
(8) Set all CURRENT SET switches to
R9 if CH 5 50mA
700 mA position. Repeat same proce-
a. No channel has an indication of less
dure as in (6).
than 200 mA.
b. At least one but not all channels has an
(9) Set all CURRENT SET and FINE
indication of less than 200 mA.
ADJ controls for panel meter reading
Replace TB1-R10
No channel has a meter reading of 700 mA.
of 700 mA. Rotate CHANNEL SE-
LECT to each of 5 channels. Check
current reading; to be 700 mA.
(10) S e t C H A R G E T I M E H O U R S
R E M A I N I N G to read 1 8 . 8 . Press
Find open between XA12-33 and CB1-NO
Display not 18.8.
START TIME switch. Remove power
cable from 115 VAC input source. Use
stopwatch; time 10 seconds and recon-
nect power cable. Check display; to be