TM 11-6130-392-34
Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Test Procedures Continued
Column 2
Column 3
Column 1
Malfunction Indication
Reference or Instruction
Test Procedure
( 1 1 ) If troubleshooting tests are now
completed, turn POWER switch to
OFF. Remove power cable from 115
VAC source. Remove band from in-
terlock switch and remove clip leads
from REMOTE BATTERY jacks. As-
semble retainer and cover and set
None; lamp lights.
Go to section V for performance testing
(12) Connect power cable to 115 VAC. Set
POWER switch to ON. POWER ON
lamp should light.
( S M - A - 8 5 2 3 1 4 ) over T1 terminals 1 through 5.
4-12. Fault Isolation Tests
Tests, for use by general support (GS) maintenance
( 2 ) If POWER switch trips OFF; reconnect
personnel, are included or referenced for compo-
w i r e s to T1-1, T1-2, T1-3, and T1-5. Apply a
nents authorized for test, replacement, or repair at
0.04-0.08 inch coat of red staking compound
GS level.
( S M - A - 8 5 2 3 1 4 ) over T1 terminals 1 through 5.
a. Refer to tests, used at direct support level, in
b. Numbered tests, specifically added for use at
Test 2. Power Input Circuit Test.
GS level, areas follows:
a. Set POWER to OFF. Remove power cable
from 115 VAC source. Set POWER switch to ON.
Test 1. Power Supply Assembly (A11) Short Cir-
M e a s u r e resistance between two flat blades of
cuit Test 2 .
a. Peel or pick away red staking compound on
200 Ω ).
positive (+) terminal of filter capacitor C1 (fig. 4-1)
and disconnect leads from terminal.
(1) If meter reading is 5 ohms or more; go to
step b .
b. Set POWER switch ON.
(2) If meter reading is less than 5 ohms; set
(1) If POWER switch remains ON, replace C1
POWER switch to OFF, reconnect power cable to
115 VAC source, and go to step i.
(2) If POWER switch trips OFF, connect leads
b. Peel or pick away red staking compound on T1
to Cl and apply a coating of red staking compound
(fig. 4-1 and FO-1). Check for continuity between
(SM-A-852514) over connection. Disconnect trans-
T1-1 and each of two flat blades of power cable plug;
c. Set POWER switch ON.
c h e c k also between T1-5 and same two blades.
There should be continuity (less than 0.2 ohms) from
(1) If POWER switch remains ON, set POWER
T1-1 to one blade, and from T1-5 to other blade.
switch OFF and replace A14-CR1 (Section IV, para
(2) If continuity not good; go to step e.
(2) If POWER switch trips OFF, reconnect lead
to T1-6. Peel or pick away red staking compound on
and between T1-3 and T1-5 (F = Ω, R = 200 Ω ).
T1 and disconnect leads from T1-2 and T1-3 (fig.
d. Set POWER switch ON.
(2) If resistance is equal to 5 ohms, or is
(1) If POWER switch remains ON, set POWER
section V.
to section V.
d. Peel or pick away red staking compound on S1
(2) If POWER switch trips OFF, disconnect
leads from T1-1 and T1-5.
(fig. 4-2 and FO-1). Check for continuity between
S1-1 and S1-2, and between S1-4 and S1-5.
e. Set POWER to ON.
(1) If POWER switch stays ON; set POWER to
(1) If continuity is good; check for faulty wiring
between T1-1 and S1-4, T1-2 and S1-2, T1-3 and
OFF, reconnect wires to T1-1, T1-2, T1-3, and T1-5.
S 1 - 5 , or T1-5 and S1-1. Repair fault; apply a
Apply a 0.04-0.08 inch coat of red staking compound