TM 11-6130-392-34
(2) If continuity is not good; replace CB1 (Sec-
ohms; replace panel meter M1 (Section IV, para
red staking compound (SM-A-852314) on S6, T1,
terminals through 5. Go to section V.
replace TB1-R2 (Section IV, para 4-31). Go to sec-
g. Peel back red shrink sleeving on FL1 and FL2
tion V.
terminals (fig. 4-1 and FO-1). Check continuity be-
Test 4. Internal Battery (B-1) Test.
tween each filter and flat blades of power cable
V, R = 20 V). Con-
a. Set multimeter (F =
nect negative lead to C1 () negative (fig. 3-3). Con-
blade, FL2 and other blade.
nect positive lead to S12-9 (fig. 4-2 and FO-1); check
(1) If continuity is good; check for faulty wiring
voltage reading.
S6A-NO and CB1-2, S6B-NO and CB1-4, CB1-1 and
(1) If voltage is more than 1 VDC; go to step b.
T1-1, or CB1-3 and T1-5. Repair fault; apply 0.04-
(2) If voltage is equal to or less than 1 VDC; go
to step f.
0.08 inch coating of red staking compound (SM-A-
b. Remove positive lead of multimeter from
852314) on S6 and CB1, and T1, terminals 1 through
S12-9; connect it to S12-C2 (fig. 4-2 and 3-3). Check
5, and replace heat shrink sleeving (Section IV, para
voltage reading.
4-23) on
FL1 and FL2 terminal leads. Go to section
(1) If voltage is more than 1 VDC; go to step c.
(2) If continuity is not good; go to step h .
(2) If voltage is equal to or less than 1 VDC; go
h. Peel back red shrink sleeving on FL1 and FL2
to step j.
c. Set POWER to OFF; check continuity between
and disassemble to gain access to filters (fig. 4-3 and
S12-C2 (fig. 4-2 and 3-3) and panel meter M1 posi-
para. 4-23). Check continuity of each filter.
tive (+) while VOLTAGE TEST switch is depressed.
(1) If continuity is good; replace power cable
(1) If continuity is good; go to step d.
ing compound (SM-A-852314) on S6 and CB1 and
ing between S12-C2 and S5-3 NO (fig. 4-2 and FO-1)
T1, terminals 1 through 5, replace heat shrink sleev-
or between S5-3C and M1 positive (+). If wiring not
reassemble filter bracket. Go to section V.
tion V.
(2) If continuity is not good; replace faulty
d. Check for continuity between panel meter M1
filter(s) (Section IV, para 4-23), apply 0.04-0.08 inch
negative () and TB1-E13 (fig. 3-3) while VOLT-
coating of red staking compound (SM-A-852314) on
AGE TEST switch is depressed.
S6 and CB1 and T1, terminals 1 through 5. Go to sec-
(1) If continuity is good; replace M1 (Section
tion V.
i. Peel or pick away red staking compound cov-
ering T1 terminals (fig. 4-1 and FO-1). Set POWER
e. Check continuity between S12-C1 and S12-3
to OFF. Connect power cable to power source, and
set POWER to ON.
(1) If continuity is good; check for faulty wiring
between panel meter M1 negative () and S5-2 C,
voltage between T1-4 and T1-5.
S5-2 NO and S12-C1, or between S12-3 and TB1-
(1) If meter reading is between 20 and 30 VAC;
E13 (fig. 3-3). If wiring is not faulty: replace S5
set POWER to OFF, apply 0.04-0.08 inch coat of red
staking compound (SM-A-852314) over T1 termi-
nals 1 through 5, and go to step k.
(2) If continuity not good; replace S12 (Section
(2) If meter reading is not between 20 and 30
f. Remove positive (+) lead from S12-9; connect it
VAC; set POWER to OFF, replace T1 (Section IV,
(1) If voltage is more than 1 VDC; set POWER
k. Check continuity from XDS1-1 to T1-4 and
to OFF, check for faulty wiring between S12-9 and
from XDS1-2 to T1-5 (fig. 4-2 and FO-1) using
S5-1 NO, or between S5-1 NO and CB1-NO. Repair
faulty wiring. Go to section V.
(1) If no fault found; replace power indicator
(2) If the voltage is equal to or less than 1 VDC;
go to step g.
(2) If a fault is found; resolder connection or
g. Remove positive lead (+) from CB1-NO (fig.
replace faulty lead. Go to section V.
Test 3. TB1-R2 Test.
4-2) and connect it to
a. S e t P O W E R t o O F F ; m e a s u r e r e s i s t a n c e
(1) If voltage is more than 1 VDC; replace CB1
between TB1-E7 and TB1-E8 (fig. 3-3) using mul-
timeter setting (F = Ω. R = 200 K Ω ).
(2) If voltage is equal to or less than 1 VDC; go